Hello there I will give you a critique on lesson one.


The superimposed lines have wobbles on the first page, it does improve on the second. I would say try drawing them in with a little more speed. This I think will straighten out some of the wobbles in your lines.

The ghost lines do not look confident, some have wobbles and some are arched a bit, ghost, draw from the shoulder and try and speed up the stroke. The ghosted planes lines look okay.


Some ellipses are not drawn through, all ellipses should be drawn through minimum and recommended twice and a maximum thrice. A lot of the ellipses favor accuracy over confidence. You should be ghosting the ellipse and getting the motion then when You are confident with the motion, drawing it in with confidence and a bit of speed. Same for small ellipses and narrow ellipses. The ghosted plane ellipses look more confident but the same applies here. Same problems in the funnels exercise although the ellipses have no gaps between them and dont overlap which is great.


Plotted perspective looks solid. Consider adding line weight to the silhouettes of the boxes.


As well as places they overlap to show dominance.


Rough perspective looks great, keep in mind that the vertical lines of the boxes are perpendicular to the horizon and the horizontal lines of the boxes are parallel to the horizon. This will help you plot your lines.

In the rotated boxes I think You should scale them. Working small can make things harder. There are wobbly lines used to draw the boxes, plot all your lines and ghost them then draw them with confidence and some speed. There are inconsistent gaps between your boxes, You should be keeping them tight-knit. Using previous boxes as reference for the orientation of the box you are drawing while keeping a consistent gap.


Organic perspective looks okay. Just some wobbly lines.


1 page rotated boxes (keeps gaps consistent, plot your boxes lines)

1 page ghosted lines (ghost them, drawn with speed and confidence)

1 page table of ellipses(ghost them and draw with confidence and speed)

Good luck:)

I do see you are on lesson already I would kindly ask if U have a before and after of you work, sketches and such outside of drawabox :)