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1:45 PM, Sunday August 23rd 2020
Arrows are pretty confident in general, good job! One thing that they're missing is that they're mainly moving through 2 dimensions, you need to push it more and make them get closer toward the viewer. To do that, you need to make the arrows bigger as they get closer to the viewer, as well as making the space between folds grow bigger and bigger as well. Example here.
Overlaps are also a bit wobbly; don't forget you should be ghosting and drawing them prioritizing confidence over acccuracy.
Organic forms
Organic forms are mainly well done, but they have a few issues.
First issue is that not all of them adhere to the simple forms we're aiming for. Some of them bulge a bit, some of them are too pointy (the ends are balls so they have to be rounded) and a few issues similar to those. It's hard to nail the sausage form, but make sure you're always thinking about it.
A thing you can do to make them better is to place dots marking the overall shape of the sausage, that will make them easier to ghost.
And as a last thing, careful with the allignment of the ellipses with the minor axis, some of these are off.
Textures are good as well, though a few things:
-There are a few places were you're relying a bit of lines. Something that can help you to force you to stop thinking about lines, is to approach drawing the shadow shapes like this.
-On the gradients, the transition from black is a bit too sudden. Try to make that transition a bit smoother so the viewer can't clearly see there's a black bar. On the right side, you've done the transition well, but a bit too sudden. Don't forget that there should be a white bar on the right of the same size as the black bar, so try to push the transition a bit more.
-You also have quite a few white dots on the texture, try filling them as much as you can, as they're distracting to the viewer. You can use a brush pen for this if you have one, makes the process way easier.
Form intersections
Here as well, mainly a good job, but your rate of foreshortening is not consistent in general, which is the main objective of the exercise. To fix this, it's easier to focus on drawing only shallow foreshortening forms, as well as avoiding forms that are particularly long in one direction. About the intersection lines themselves, keep in mind that they should be drawn with ghosting and prioritizing confidence over accuraccy, just like every other mark.
Organic intersections
They look mosly solid, though a few things that I pointed out here..
I'm marking this as complete, but I recommend looking again at the video demo of this exercise before moving on.
Good job, and good luck in lesson 3! Keep it up!
Next Steps:
Lesson 3.
Here's too a critique guide for lesson 2 if you want to give it a read.

How to Draw by Scott Robertson
When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.