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3:52 PM, Tuesday June 9th 2020

Hey! TA qzhans here. It seems that something went wrong with your submission; there's only 1 page in your album. As soon as you reply with that, we can get you your critique!

4:40 PM, Tuesday June 9th 2020

Hello! so sorry about that. i think i fixed the problem. here is the link https://imgur.com/a/CoZ842u thanka!

3:34 PM, Wednesday June 10th 2020

Hey, TA qzhans here!

First, superimposed lines. You’ve kept fraying to a minimum here and there’s some good confidence throughout. Nice work.

Moving onto ghosted lines, that confidence continues. I also like that you tried a variety of different lengths and angles.

Your ghosted planes are some of the same nice stuff. I do notice you drew an extra line here and there, perhaps to correct some perceived mistake. Remember that all lines we put down are law, and laying down more lines to fix something will only create more contradictions and draw eyes to a mistake.

Moving onto your ellipse tables, I like that you're keeping your ellipses tightly packed within the bounds that you've set. There's expected room for improvement in getting your ellipses to be tight and tidy, but drawing through with confidence is more important at this stage, which you are.

Your ellipses in planes, the tidiness improves a bit. You also don’t stretch out your ellipses needlessly to hit the bounds, opting instead for a confident ellipse.

Next, your funnels generally do a good job of aligning to the minor axis that you've set and I have no complaints.

No problems with plotted perspective either!

For your rough perspective, I’m pleased to see that you are applying the error checking method correctly, extending your lines parallelly back to the horizon line instead of directly to the vanishing point. I do see a few issues with keeping the verticals perpendicular to the horizon line and the horizontals parallel to it, so watch out for that. Also, the problem of re-drawing lines pops up in a few places here; continue to remember that confidence is more important than accuracy for these exercises.

And now, the one you’ve been waiting for: rotated boxes. Before anything, I wanted to congratulate you on its completion; it's not something you're really supposed to be ready for. In general, I like how you’ve structured this exercise, keeping the gaps between boxes consistent and drawing through each box. As a result, the rotation is fairly convincing. The only thing I could nitpick on is that there are a few double lines here and there, but I much prefer the confident way you did it rather than a wobbly reinforce.

Finally, onto organic perspective. In general, your boxes do a good job of shrinking and growing as they move through space. I'm pleased to see a little bit of overlapping here and there as well (although I do think you could've done a bit more). There's work to be done in getting those parallel lines to converge to their shared vanishing point, but you can iron that out with the box challenge. The problem I do want to address here is how sketchy you became; it looks to me like an attempt to create depth with line weight that got out of hand. Honestly, I can’t really fault you for it because you executed the lines with confidence, but I’d like you to continue to keep in mind going forward that this kind of thing does take away from the clean look we’re going for.

Overall, a strong submission. I’m excited to see you take these fundamentals into the rest of Drawabox!

Next Steps:

250 Box Challenge

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
9:17 PM, Wednesday June 10th 2020

Much appreciated! cheers!

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Ellipse Master Template

Ellipse Master Template

This recommendation is really just for those of you who've reached lesson 6 and onwards.

I haven't found the actual brand you buy to matter much, so you may want to shop around. This one is a "master" template, which will give you a broad range of ellipse degrees and sizes (this one ranges between 0.25 inches and 1.5 inches), and is a good place to start. You may end up finding that this range limits the kinds of ellipses you draw, forcing you to work within those bounds, but it may still be worth it as full sets of ellipse guides can run you quite a bit more, simply due to the sizes and degrees that need to be covered.

No matter which brand of ellipse guide you decide to pick up, make sure they have little markings for the minor axes.

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