
I'll be here to give some, hopefully useful, critique for your homework today.

Starting off with your superimposed lines,it looks like its going well enough. You're going back to the same point, drawing confident lines, and fraying is natural. Only problem im seeing is some major bending to these lines. Just try to put more thought into the direction and focus on getting straight to point B instead of the line you're making. Soon enough, you lines will probably straighten out with more practice. I think I see the same problem with the ghosted lines, but its not as prevalent. Still, your lines are confident for the most part, but there are ones that make it seem like you hesitated. Your accuracy is doing fairly well.You're also doing a bit of correcting lines, but I see it more in planes. You're seeming more confident with ghosting planes, and I see better accuracy. Though, theres a pattern of correction when you make a mistake. Don't do that! If you messed up a line, you just have to learn from the mistake and move onto the next. No going over it to trying to make a change to it, regardless of how horrible. Just realize you need to ultra-focus so it doesn't happen again. That is why we are using pen, and correcting your lines like that makes the use of pen for these lessons lose some of its meaning. We aren't making pretty pictures. We are practicing confidence, patience, and commitment. Every stroke is a decision you made and you should not try to go back on it.

Your Table of Ellipses are doing well, you're rounding them at least twice, as well as getting that circular shape. Although, there is a lot of space left to be used. The whole point is to try to make confident shapes that fit within the bounds, but shapes floating in space are little help. I recommend you practice this exercise more like this in the future to properly utilize your space given. Your funnels struggle in a few areas. When you don't even include a line of symmetry like this, the whole point of the exercise is lost. Here we are tying to improve our symmetry by bisecting the space straight down the middle. Without that, we are just doing more fitting ellipses in a space like the table of ellipses exercise. Most others are like this and do not have the line in the middle properly or circles made to fill. It is not as easy to rate your progress if you cannot achieve the steps in the lesson to start the exercise. For this exercise it seems you didn't make your set up properly for the most part sad to say. Besides everything stated previous, I believe you did very well in ellipses in planes.

Plotted perspective has nice understanding vanishing points. You seem hesitant to overlap on the horizon and had made a mistake costing you valuable space to be used here. We cannot be scared to overlap our boxes on the horizon like that. Many shapes youll see in perspective in the future in a real environment will have placement like that, so its better to go for it now. In rough perspective you show a strong sense of understanding how you're supposed to trace back to the vanishing points. The rotated boxes exercise is understandable very hard. I believe you made a good attempt to rotate your shapes. We just have to practice on pushing the bounds of rotation in space. Your organic perspective has good rotation. There is solid change in your initial Y and change in perspective. I noticed that you were trying to make the line go back and forth and it overcomplicated the exercise. These boxes here, its hard to say anything about them. I can say you understand perspective from distance, but doing the back and forth doesn't really give much because from this distance they're like dots. So just focus on bringing the composition closer. I guess this is a general art tip, but its better to focus on bringing the perspective were its easily visible. The last page's lines seemed a little rushed for you, and seemed like you were really ready to get this exercise over with.

Anyways, overall, you did a pretty good job. Some things, it felt like you were in a rush to get past, and barley reached for a bare minimum, and I'd say it did hurt the level you are at by the end of the exercises. Do some of these exercises for warm ups in the 250 box challenge, but do not rush that one. Make sure you're completing your readings and I heavily recommend the demo videos. I am glad to see your progress and look fore ward to seeing you complete your 250 boxes! I'll mark this complete!