Hi Angian! I'm Eagle, and I'll be trying my best to provide some good feedback for you!

It's sure been a while, hopefully this feedback serves as a nice surprise whenever you log back on. Note that a lot of the exercises in this lesson can be used as quick warm-ups down the track, as ghosting and drawing from the shoulder often take some time to get used to. I'll be dividing the feedback into three sections: lines, ellipses and boxes.


Well done with Superimposed lines and Ghosted lines exercises! Perhaps you could try some longer curved lines in the superimposed lines exercise to mix things up. I noticed the occasional wobbly line in the Ghosted planes exercise, which usually means that there wasn't enough commitment to drawing the particular line - believe in your ghosting motions! But not to worry, as you'll get better over time, as long as you keep plotting and ghosting your lines for later lessons (especially the 250 boxes challenge). Overall, you did a good job with your lines.


Your ellipses are not perfect, but I can see that you've persistently continued with the ghosting, which is great. Honestly, your accuracy in the Ellipses in planes exercise is already quite good, keep at it! For future attempts at the funnels exercise, you could try varying the degree of your ellipses (the "narrowness") more gradually, while maintaining the minor axis alignment. Doing this will help you down the track when we start thinking about applying perspective to ellipses (don't worry if that doesn't make any sense as of now).


Good job with Plotted perspective and Rough perspective. Remember to use those plotted lines in Rough perspective to improve; for example, the boxes further away from the vanishing point probably require the most attention. In terms of Rotated boxes, remember to draw in all of those far corner boxes, as well as draw through them. It'll make it more messy, but it will be well worth it. The organic perspective exercise was also well done, but there are a few boxes who's sides are not converging. But hey, that's what the 250 boxes challenge is for!

Overall, I believe you've done a great job, and are ready to move onto the 250 boxes challenge. As I mentioned earlier, a lot of these exercises make for great warmups, I personally work on ellipses on time to time as I struggled with them back in Lesson 1. Hope that was helpful, and good luck!
