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7:51 PM, Friday April 8th 2022

Keep in mind that the time it takes me to critique one drawing is not much different from the time it takes to critique four - so this request results in me spending twice as much time as was initially intended. When you're assigned 4 drawings, you should not submit until they are all completed. Yes, there is the possibility that you'll do all 4 with the same mistake that could have been caught earlier, but one of the reasons we're able to offer feedback as cheaply as we do is that the student takes on the onus of investing their time in order to reduce the time required of me and my staff.

That said, your work is looking better, though don't pile contour lines onto your additional masses, as they don't actually help solve the problem at hand. Establishing how an additional mass wraps around the existing structure is achieved entirely through the way in which its silhouette is designed. Contour lines of the sort you've used here merely make a form feel more solid and three dimensional in isolation, but establish no such spatial relationships between forms. Furthermore, they can convince us that there is something we can do to "fix" our additional masses when the silhouettes have not been designed correctly, and actually cause us to spend less time thinking through where we place our inward curves and corners (which should occur only as a result of direct contact with an existing structure where that inward curve or corner occurs, as demonstrated here).

12:33 AM, Saturday April 9th 2022

Thanks for letting me know, and I apologize for taking up extra time. Going forward I will not submit any partial revisions.

Thank you for reinforcing the importance of building correct silhouettes instead of adding arbitrary contour lines. I will keep that in mind. For the revisions, should I start over with four new insects or finish the remaining three?

1:26 AM, Saturday April 9th 2022

You can just finish the remaining three.

11:22 PM, Friday April 22nd 2022

Hello! I finished my revisions:

Thank you for critiquing.

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