8:27 AM, Saturday July 30th 2022
Hi HopperHope! Hope you're doing well.
It seems like you've done this digitally, so I'll be pointing stuff related to it.
Organic Arrows
Your arrows are smooth & they're compressing & expanding as they move away & tworads the viewer.
Please use lineweight to highlight what's in front & close to us where the curves overlaps. It's will also help us in giving better feedback for your hatching placements.
For most part your leaves are following their flow line. You've only done one folding leaf & they are not natural & feels stiff in a way(see https://drawabox.com/lesson/3/2/folding). Please do more of the folding leaves in yoru wamups.
Nice work on breaking the silhouette of these leaves, though I like to remind you that it's recommended to do those construction using addition whenever possible, if you've to subtract part of the leaves then you'll have to consider whether it's raised or lowered relatively in the space.
Sometimes the ellipses here(like the top left) are not perpendicular to their minor axis(along with not cutting the ellipses in half), see https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/5/minoraxis. Ghost multiple time before placing the mark for them, if they're not placed well they can break the construction(here the branches) instantly.
If you're having trouble with curves of the flow line, then I recommend placing an ellipse at the peak of the curve(perpendicular to it), it would help you place the edges of branch easily.
You're gradually changing the degree of the ellipse, there are some cases(like one of the cruved branch) where the change is drastic, see if you can avoid these as much as possible.
Even though you're doing it digitaly nice work on doing most of the edges of the branches seperately.
Plants Drawings
It seems while you've drawn contour curves for your cactus drawing, you've avoided drawing through them. It can be very hard to change the degrees of the ellipses with just the contour curves at this stage. Please draw through them like you've done in other drawings.
Nice work on the flow of the flower in the second drawing. You've used cast shadow very well as they're wrapping around the flower.
It's seems like you're using layers or decreased the opacity on the third drawing, https://i.imgur.com/DEm3ZvK.jpeg. If possible do these drawings without those stuff, just use lineweight(as in make the lines thick) instead of them.
In this(https://i.imgur.com/D0gACfi.jpeg) drawing, it would've been better if you were to draw each petals of some of the flowers as that could easily become the focal points. But other than that really good job on the constructions, I really like how you considered their tilts.
The mushroom & pitcher plant drawings with texture have a gradual change in it's details density. I can see that you're observing them very carefully.
Nice work on drawing through the forms in potato plants, it can be confusing but you've seen through it & even used cast shadows to to highlight what's close to us.
You making great progress on these constructions & textures. Congrats on completing lesson 3!!
Next Steps:
Feel free to start lesson 4
A reminder that if possible avoid changing opacity or using different layers for future lessons even if you're doing them digitally.