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9:56 AM, Monday August 8th 2022

Thanks so much , I will follow your advice. I have always problem with the ellipses and the minor axis if you have any suggestion or exercise that was useful to you personally please tell me. Thanks again.

12:15 PM, Monday August 8th 2022
edited at 11:57 AM, Aug 10th 2022

This is how I go aobut doing the ellipses when I have trouble placing it correctly on the minor axis,

First draw your minor axis(or flow line for your branches, etc), then place two dots(with length of the ellipse in mind) perpendicular to the minor axis using ghosting method. Then ghost & draw the ellipse on those dots.

If it's tough to achieve them digitally(if you've screenless tablet), try them traditionally first to get the basic idea.

I hope this works for you & good luck with the next lesson.

edited at 11:57 AM, Aug 10th 2022
1:48 PM, Tuesday August 9th 2022

Thanks so much Purpel

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