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12:06 PM, Tuesday September 14th 2021

Hello AzayTay,

Despite of some mistakes in rotated boxes, everything is good. Fell dificulty in any method, exercise?

9:12 AM, Thursday September 16th 2021


Thanks for your time. Answering your question, I think I don't feel any particular difficulty that doesn't originate from lack of practice. My problems are solvable by doing practice more i.e line accuracy, circle drawing.

4:51 PM, Friday September 17th 2021

Complemeting the Ragus critique, i think that your lines are superimposed in some exercises, but the perspective is ok. So, i will recomend warmups to improve muscular memory and other exercise. Remember: dont feel bad when you do mistakes. Its normal, and very necessary to find weaknesses

Next Steps:

Use ghosted plans for warmups. 10-15 minutes per day

1 filled page of rough perspective, with correct ghosted lines

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
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1:34 PM, Tuesday September 14th 2021


Good work overall. There are some little things I'd like to point out to you tho :

  • Plotted perspective : your hatching is messy. On the first frame, you hatched both ways, which is not recommended. You should stick to 1 way (e.g. bottom left to upper right). On the other 2 frames, you scribbled! You can't do that, bro!

  • Your ellipses are a bit too wobbly, in your tables of ellipses as in your ellipses in ghosted planes and funnels.

  • Rotated box : scribbling is forbidden! Take your time, breath, and hatch. Some of your lines are supperimposed for no reason too. You should stick with one line well-ghosted, even if it is wrong.

Your perspective ("rough persp" "rotated box" and "orgnaic persp") are quite good! I think you wouldn't learn more from those exercices now.

Next Steps:

Before moving to 250 box challenge, you should work a bit on your ellipses.

  • Please redo a funnel page, making sure your ellipses touch each other properly, and not too wobbly.

I suggest you to keep in mind what I wrote about your hatching, since you will have to hatch 250 boxes soon.

Good luck!

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
9:17 AM, Thursday September 16th 2021

Hello! Sorry for late reply.

Thanks for the critique, I appreciate it so much. I won't do the scribles again for hatching :3 thanks for the reminder.

Here's the re-do of Funnels exercise: https://imgur.com/a/4khYZ8F

I realised after reading your critique that I in fact didn't exercise drawing ellipses enough. My exercise are mostly ghosted planes and superimposed lines. I'll put that in mind now.

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