Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

3:56 PM, Tuesday August 18th 2020

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So I finally completed lesson 2 after a long, long time! Lots of effort went into these pages, hoping they have what it takes to finally move on to lesson 3!

2 users agree
1:17 AM, Wednesday September 2nd 2020

Hi Cybertortoise,

I've checked your submission,

Okay, wanna start out by saying that I really like all the enthusiasm that is in this lesson, It really shows that you put the effort in! Keep this attitude up, you will learn a lot.

Now, on to the actual feedback!

First, your contour lines look good and ,as I have already stated, it's good that you made a lot of them in each organic form. However, from now on, try to reduce the amount of contour lines that you do per form. Don't get me wrong, you did exactly what you had to do for the exercise, but this is an advice for future lessons, remember that contour lines are supposed to show that the forms you are drawing are 3d, this is easily stated with only on or two contour lines in a form. If you look at your organic intersections exercise for example, it's well done, but in some parts is a little messy, because of the amount of contour lines that you put per form. Uncomfortable will touch on this topic in lesson 3, so keep it in mind!

Texture! Now, I looks like you enjoyed this part (I sure did at the time), well at least I hope. I seems that you got the point of analyzing different textures and building up a visual library. Though, I wanted to comment on the topic of implicit vs explicit content. The point of the dissections exercise it's to start to make you think about observation and analyzing textures, but seeing that you did good at this, I want to strech it a little further. The thing is, you are putting explicitly everything you see in the texture, into the form, which again it's what you are supposed to do in this exercise. But, when it comes to drawing you gotta strive to make as you were putting all that content, and let the viewers fool themselves! I would try to explaing this myself as best as I can, but I recommend you to watch again the video on the lesson that talks about this, Uncomfortable really explains this topic in depth.

Another thing that I tend to see on your textures is that sometimes you didn't use cast shadows, but just draw forms. Keep an eye on this since the way we implicitly communicate information in textures is through cast shadows.

The only thing I wanna say about your form intesections it's line weight. Remember that it's supposed to be subtle, don't get too invested on it.

Another last thing in your organic intesections exercise is a little like the last one, cast shadows are also supposed to be subbtle, we are making a thick black mark, yes, but remember that it doesn't needs to be big. Remember, everything we draw in a exercise is supposed to communicate something, if you can communicate that an object is on top of another object with a smaller shadow, you should go for the smaller one.

I'm gonna mark this lesson as complete! You did a really good job, Keep it up.

Next Steps:

Move on to lesson 3!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
6:50 AM, Wednesday September 2nd 2020

Thank you for taking the time to write this! Especially because the pages aren't rotated (for some reason Imgur didn't manage to) so it could be understandably annoying to some to review.

Something that I didn't say in the description is that some pages aren't the first try. That's why the textures in the texture analysis are much more implicit and correct than most of the dissections. The reason I redid some of these is that I took a break of about 5 months to focus on my studies and when I came back I found that I could do much better at some of them.

Anyway, I wasn't that aware of the rest of the mistakes you pointed out, thank you again! I'm sure both my organic and form intersections will look much better now!

Hope other users agree with you, I really love this lesson's badge haha.

11:26 PM, Wednesday September 2nd 2020

Hey man, my pleasure!

1 users agree
12:34 AM, Friday August 21st 2020

These look so dynamic and three-dimensional! Thanks for giving such a great reference on how to do the exercices.

  • A fellow student
5:35 PM, Friday August 21st 2020

Please keep in mind that comments should be limited to feedback only. It's good that you appreciate their work, but responses like this can mess with the likelihood that their homework is actually going to get feedback.

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