Hello! Taking a look over your homework I think it looks like you did well and are ready to move on. There are a few areas to be aware of which I list below:

  • There is a slight wobble to your lines, particularly near the start. This is very common and just takes some practice with drawing from the shoulder to remove. Just keep it in mind going forward. A straight line, even if it doesn't quite reach the destination, is better than a wobbly one.

  • Careful with the minor axis when doing your funnel ellipses. The minor axes alligning between your ellipses are critical to the overall look of the funnel. Be sure to take your time matching the ellipses up with that minor axis. I notice a few of the ellipses are actually drawn such as the minor axis is the major axis. Remember, the minor axis should always be the shorter length across the ellipse.

  • You do a good job with drawing to the vanishing points for your boxes. It will get even better with practice. Your rotated boxes in particular are very good (although some of the "far" boxes could stand to be rotated a little further).

  • The organic perspective could use more significant shifting of size as it goes. The second page does it better but it mainly is a few big boxes at the start, a few small ones at the end, and everything in the middle is medium sized. Try to emphasize a more gradual sense of depth. This will be helpful for when you hit lesson 2.

Again, overall this was good. Just keep the wobble in mind alongside some of the other comments above as you work through future lessons. For now I recommend moving onto the 250 box challenge to really practice drawing boxes.