Hey there Serverto! Congrats! You made it through the whole challenge and came out in one piece on the other side! 250 boxes ain't nothing and the mileage clearly did you well.

Even from the beginning, your line work is quite clean and thoughtful. Even your hatch marks are looking good, which is often something students ignore, so great job there. Towards the end, I do see a bit more confidence in your marks and a little less wobble in your applied line-weight, but I also believe your mark-making was already quite strong to start, so let's move on to the meat of the challenge: the convergences.

Again, like before, your convergences start out strong, but I do see a great deal of improvement towards the end. Each set of converging lines draws towards the VP far more consistently, with vastly fewer stray lines. Really nice work there, it seems like your sense of 3D came a long way. Really nice work here!

So, we link these notes at the end of every challenge as a matter of course. They're some extra notes that may help you improve further, or confirm conclusions you came to during the course of the challenge. What they go over is the angle of each line as they approach the box and how keeping an eye on this relationship could improve your convergences. Also, considering each line in relation to the lines with which it shares a vanishing point rather than the lines with which it shares a plane or a corner could do the same.