Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction

2:57 PM, Wednesday December 16th 2020

Lesson 2: Contour Lines, Texture and Construction - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/7AGIp6O.jpg

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I am submitting to you the exercises of lesson 2. Sometimes, I drew the organic arrows in the opposite way. The texture analysis was quite long to do :)

You will also find here a link : https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n3kZmkyiq1tsX2paG1tv3DqH15aJdoVu?usp=sharing

This link contains the different references used for the dissections (texture). I assigned a number to each sausage corresponding to a files :p

Thank you for your review

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12:50 AM, Thursday December 17th 2020

Hey there, I'll be handling your lesson 2 critique.

You're making good progress towards understanding the concepts being taught in this lesson, I'll be listing some things below that will hopefully help you in your future attempts at these exercises.

  • Your arrows are looking pretty smooth, good work. One thing that I would like you to work on is to experiment more with foreshortening. By utilizing it in both the arrow itself and the space in between the arrow's curves we can really sell the illusion of an arrow moving through 3D space as discussed here.

  • Good job keeping your organic forms with contours simple. Just remember that we want to keep creating them so both ends are the same size and avoid any pinching, bloating, or stretching along the form's length as shown here. I'm also really glad to see you're trying to shift the degree of your contours, don't be afraid to push them a bit further in some spots. The degree of a contour line basically represents the orientation of that cross-section in space, relative to the viewer, and as we slide along the sausage form, the cross section is either going to open up (allowing us to see more of it) or turn away from the viewer (allowing us to see less), as shown here.

  • In your texture analysis exercise you need to work on shifting your light source more so that you get more range in your gradient, currently it doesn't really transition where it should be transitioning from very dark to almost all of the shadow's details being blown out by light. In your dissections you're focusing largely on outlines and negative space rather than cast shadows created by forms along the texture itself. This makes it difficult to create gradients with implied information which we could then use to create focal points in more complex pieces, by doing so we can prevent our viewers from being visually overwhelmed with too much detail. For more on the importance of focusing on cast shadows read here, I'd also like to quickly direct you to this image which shows that when we're working with thin line like textures if we outline and fill the shadow we will create a much more dynamic texture than simply drawing lines.

  • If you feel like you don't fully grasp form intersections just yet don't worry, right now this exercise is just meant to get students to start thinking about how their forms relate to one another in 3D space, and how to define those relationships on the page, we'll be going over them more in the upcoming lessons. Your forms are looking solid and like they belong in a cohesive space, good work.

  • In the organic intersections exercise your forms don't always wrap around one another in a way that makes much sense so really try to think of how these forms would lay across one another. I'd also like you to push your shadows further because some shadows just hug the form creating them instead of being cast as far as they would.

Overall this was a really solid submission, you have a few things to work on but I have no doubt you'll improve with more mileage. I'll be marking your submission as complete and moving you on to lesson 3.

Keep practicing previous exercises as warm ups and good luck in the next lesson!

Next Steps:

Do previous exercises as warm ups.

Move on to lesson 3.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
9:20 AM, Thursday December 17th 2020

Hi and thank you for your critique :)

Concerning the texture analysis, to be sure I clearly understood, my gradient is no significant enough ?

With the dissection I need to focus on the cast shadows but in the example https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/7/example like for the hair, we can't do otherwise than following the shape sometimes, same with the bricks ? I feel like we sometimes have to followe the shape and at the same time use the cast shadow ?

Not sure if I'm clear enough...

Should I redo this dissection exercise to get my hand on it or the 25 texture challenge will help me improve with that ?

Thanks again :)

2:04 AM, Friday December 18th 2020

we can't do otherwise than following the shape sometimes, same with the bricks ?

This isn't actually true. I've drawn a quick example here. As you can see, every textural mark is a shadow shape, and as such they do not have to surround each brick completely, nor each strand/tuft of hair. We do still use outlines around the silhouette of the form, but it's the internal details that we use implicit techniques on.

Now, you're not wrong that there are going to be areas where the shadows expand enough that they'll surround the entire textural form, functioning similarly to an outline, but that's normal. The point is however that they're still shadows - we're not using line. To force yourself to use cast shadow shapes, this two-step process can help, if you make a habit of using it for each and every textural mark.

As for whether or not you should redo the exercise, you can certainly explore it as part of your warmups, or you can choose to work on the optional 25 texture challenge, but when your lesson is marked as complete, that means you are cleared to move forwards, and that is the recommended course of action. We do not expect students to have a full grasp of how to use texture after this lesson - it is merely an introduction to the concept.

12:45 PM, Friday December 18th 2020

Thanks for your reply, I think I will do the texture challenge along the other lessons ;)

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