Hey there I'll be handling your lesson 2 critique.

You're off a to a really great start and it seems like you're grasping a lot of the concepts introduced here. I'll list a few things I notice below that should help you achieve even better results in the future.

  • Your arrows are looking smooth and confident, my only suggestion here is to experiment with your amount of foreshortening in terms of the negative space between the edges of your curves more. This can really help sell the illusion of 3D by making it appear that the arrows are getting closer/further away from us more dramatically. You can read more on the idea here.

  • Your organic forms with contours are looking really well done, it's also good to see that you are drawing large as it can be beneficial for ones understanding. Your sausages are looking nice and simple, it's good to see that you're trying to shift the degree of your contour lines/ellipses along the length as well, great job.

  • In the textures exercises there are a few cases where you get a bit focused on outlines of shapes rather than the shadows a form would create, or it appears you work from memory in a few spots (the salmon in your dissections for example.) These are quite well done in a lot of places as well, it's a difficult concept to tackle and you will find yourself grow more comfortable with more mileage so keep practicing. Just remember that when tackling texture you want to be focusing on the shadows that forms create to imply the texture in your drawing, rather than explicitly draw every bit of it or try to draw pretty pictures (as you mention.) You did a much better job that we normally expect here and it's just a matter of improving consistency to iron out the weaker attempts. With that said you can find a refresher on outlines vs cast shadows and how this can be helpful when working with gradients here.

  • Your form intersections are looking solidly constructed and you attempted to draw the intersections, great job. intersections are tricky but this exercise is meant to get students to start thinking about how their forms relate to one another in 3D space, and how to define those relationships on the page. We'll be going over them a lot more in upcoming material so if you find the concepts difficult at the moment don't worry because it's normal too.

-Your organic intersections are showing a grasp of working in 3D space, and you kept your forms simple which is something people often neglect to do. My only real suggestion for this exercise would be that you should experiment with pushing your shadows more intensely, you played it a bit safe here and while that's not a bad thing having simple forms like this are really beneficial when attempting to build an understanding of how light behaves.

Overall this was a very well done lesson, I have no problem moving you onwards to lesson 3 so I'll be marking your submission as complete.

You were curious about the cylinder and texture challenges so I'll point out that the cylinder challenge comes between lesson 5 and 6 and that the texture challenge is optional, if you decide you would like to tackle the texture challenge you can begin now but I recommend spreading it out over the rest of the course instead of trying to get it all done before lesson 3.

Keep up the good work and good luck!