How can I get the previous lessons marked completed?

9:06 PM, Monday February 10th 2020

Hi everyone,

I'm currently working on lesson 4 but I'm a free user.

If I decide to get some credits on Patreon to have my lesson 4 critiqued, how can I get the previous lessons marked completed?

Thank's in advance!

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1:53 AM, Tuesday February 11th 2020

Hey loopkin. If you decide to become a patron you will have to start over from square one. This is because there may have been habits or tendencies that critiques would have helped you avoid and eliminate, but if these tendencies carry over to later lessons it can be a detriment.

8:58 AM, Tuesday February 11th 2020

Hey Sven, thank's to the reply!

I've regurarly posted my previous lessons on reddit and discord to get my worked criticized, but these weren't official critiques I understand what you're saying ...

The "problem" is that if I want my lesson 4 to be officially criticized I've to wait more than 2 months, I think ... The quickest I could do, to make up for lost time, is to choose a 2 credits / month patreon, it would do:

1st month: lesson 1 + 250 boxes challenge

2nd month: lesson 2 + lesson 3

3rd month: finaly lesson 4

Is that it?

Have a nice day!

3:39 PM, Tuesday February 11th 2020

So as Sven said, we have policies in place that discourage having students submit old work, due to it largely becoming irrelevant. For example, being at lesson 4, if you received feedback on lesson 1, then submitted your old box challenge, it wouldn't incorporate any of that feedback. We've had many students, as a result, who've made the difficult decision of going back to the beginning and actually doing the homework anew. It's never easy to decide to do that, though for them it has always been immensely beneficial, as they've come back with additional experience, but with the humility to take and apply the new feedback as intended within the course structure.

Either way, you are correct that the schedule you posted is the quickest one can receive feedback due to the 14-day-between-lesson-submission restriction (which again is there to encourage students to do the work after receiving a critique for the previous submission). There's one mistake though - lessons 3 and 4 cost 2 credits each.

This doesn't actually change your listed schedule though, because pledging at the $10 tier right off the bat would get you 3 credits (2 + 1 bonus for pledging at a higher tier when starting), so assuming you pledged at the beginning of a given month and submitted lesson 1 immediately, it'd look like this:

  • Beginning of the 1st month, receive 3 credits

  • Immediately submit lesson 1 (down to 2 credits)

  • Halfway through 1st month, submit lesson 2 (down to 1 credit)

  • Beginning of the 2nd month, receive 2 credits (3 credits total)

  • Immediately submit lesson 2 (down to 2 credits)

  • Halfway through 2nd month, submit lesson 3 (down to 0 credits)

  • Beginning of the 3rd month, receive 2 credits (2 credits total)

  • Immediately submit lesson 4 (down to 0 credits)

This stuff becomes somewhat less relevant if you end up going through the lessons as intended, rather than submitting old work.

7:32 PM, Tuesday February 11th 2020

Thank's Irshad for your reply!

I understand what you're saying and you're absolutely right, submitting my old work would be irrelevant since it dates from August 2018! I'm sure that starting over would be profitable, but wouldn't it also be like grinding the exercises? Maybe better to move on lesson 5 and I'm afraid of disgusting myself if I would have to redo the 250 box challenge! One day maybe... for now I've almost finished the 250 cylinder challenge and lesson 4...

Otherwise, where can we see how many credits cost a lesson?

Anyway thank you very much for all the amazing free content you provide!

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4:34 AM, Wednesday February 12th 2020

Addressing the major question here, since the previous comments all focused in on you asking about stuff in relation to maybe submitting for official crit, and someone else may come here looking for the answer to the other half

To get assignments marked as complete on here:

  • Free User: Submit your completed homework via the sketchbook. Wait for free critique from people who are not official DaB staff. Wait for a crit that specifically marks the assignment as complete. Wait for 2 additional users to agree with that critique. Once that's happened you'll get the badge for that assignment!

  • Patreon User: Submit your completed homework and mark it forofficial review, spending credits you got from the Patreon. Wait for crit from uncomfy or one of the TAs. Follow their instructions, and once you have completed the assignment to official standards then they will mark it as complete and you'll get the badge.

  • Unsure about what happens in the case of a previously free user going back in and doing Patreon stuff-whether they get their badges stripped or they just dont lose the stuff they've gotten through for free.

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