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1:08 AM, Monday July 3rd 2023

Well this was a too long break, to be honest. I'm really sorry for leaving you hanging. You did not overstepped any boundaries, it was just my life getting rougher and harder that I was emotionally drained to even answer some messages.

It costed me 9 months to finally end Lesson 4 (I hate insects so much) but I was able to get back on track these last days. Although I guess they will make me repeat some drawings again.

Taking advantage of this "achievement" I decided it was time to read again everything you sent and everything I missed throughout these months. I'm quite pleased and proud of what you have accomplished and I hope you the best outside DAB.

I was checking the remaining 3 lessons homework and found them quite overwhelming. Although I will still try my best to finish everything and when I feel I won't be able to do it, I'll go rogue.

Since I saw your last message was a couple of days ago, I'll wait for your reply for some days. If no answer is received I'll write to your e-mail.

9:31 PM, Saturday July 15th 2023
edited at 9:34 PM, Jul 15th 2023

Hi Rhyldur,

Well this was a too long break, to be honest. I'm really sorry for leaving you hanging. You did not overstepped any boundaries, it was just my life getting rougher and harder that I was emotionally drained to even answer some messages.

I'm glad there was no offense, but sorry to hear your life's getting rougher. I would encourage you look to God for strength and guidance by reading the Bible (listening to what God has said) and praying (talking to God). He does care; God can use hard times to lead us to Him.

I'm quite pleased and proud of what you have accomplished and I hope you the best outside DAB.

Thank you.

Have you ever considered doing collaborations with other artists? I've had the interest for a while, but I don't know any professional / committed artists.

I wish you the best Rhyldur. If you ever want to get in touch you know where to reach me.

edited at 9:34 PM, Jul 15th 2023
11:21 PM, Thursday August 24th 2023

I'm glad there was no offense, but sorry to hear your life's getting rougher. I would encourage you look to God for strength and guidance by reading the Bible (listening to what God has said) and praying (talking to God). He does care; God can use hard times to lead us to Him.

Thank you so much Nathan for your support in these moments of weakness. I really appreciate it.

I'm still pushing with all my strength, trying to finish DaB course by the end of the year. I'm a bit stuck with this lesson 5 so I managed to spend some time with some 50% rule drawings. Stepping out of my confort zone and trying to draw from reference complex images or trying new styles like anime (which I never considered tbh).

Have you ever considered doing collaborations with other artists? I've had the interest for a while, but I don't know any professional / committed artists.

Never thought of it since I don't consider my drawings to have much personality or style to even collaborate with someone. The more I learn the more I realize how far I am from the point of consider myself even an "amateur" artist.

Negative thoughts aside! You should really go for it if you didn't already. The professional artists I know I only have been able to speak a word or two to them. I suggest you try to find people in DaB official discord server. There are lots of different type of artists, from professionals to wannabes (such as myself haha) and even if you don't find the people you are looking for, it would be a great starting point.

Wishing you the best as always and apologising again for the "delayed" answer.

3:20 AM, Saturday September 2nd 2023

Hi Rhyldur,

I'm glad you're still trucking on. As we discussed, I got on the Finishing Train as I stepped away from DAB and I'm enjoying the ride . . . or is it a marathon XD. I just began my own art collaboration in the form of a sketchbook. I have made the only contribution so far, but I will soon be passing it on to another artist to add to it: Follow My Lead.

Never thought of it since I don't consider my drawings to have much personality or style to even collaborate with someone. The more I learn the more I realize how far I am from the point of consider myself even an "amateur" artist.

From what I've seen of your work you have a lot to offer; you have much room to grow and so do I. Style is the result of our process and the natural tendencies we develop as we create and grow. An authentic drawing is (probably) as unique as your fingerprint. Would you (yes YOU) at least consider making a contribution to the collab at some point? I could try to mail the book to wherever you are in the world. You're the only artist I connected with consistently on DAB and would love for you to be a part of this collab.

I never joined Discord, but thanks for the suggestion.

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