1:08 AM, Monday July 3rd 2023
Well this was a too long break, to be honest. I'm really sorry for leaving you hanging. You did not overstepped any boundaries, it was just my life getting rougher and harder that I was emotionally drained to even answer some messages.
It costed me 9 months to finally end Lesson 4 (I hate insects so much) but I was able to get back on track these last days. Although I guess they will make me repeat some drawings again.
Taking advantage of this "achievement" I decided it was time to read again everything you sent and everything I missed throughout these months. I'm quite pleased and proud of what you have accomplished and I hope you the best outside DAB.
I was checking the remaining 3 lessons homework and found them quite overwhelming. Although I will still try my best to finish everything and when I feel I won't be able to do it, I'll go rogue.
Since I saw your last message was a couple of days ago, I'll wait for your reply for some days. If no answer is received I'll write to your e-mail.