4:08 PM, Saturday July 16th 2022
Thanks so much for all this info Nathan, you are always a lighthouse in a dark and misty night! Talking about light I do know I am missing lights and shadows (there is no way to tell which hour it is in the drawing) but well, aside adding a bit here and there I was clueless.
I just used historical references for the drakkar and some for the ways of transporting and preserve the ice along human History. But you know, no references for the most basic things like sea reflections, water bodies and so on due to time costraints and being covid sick at that moment. I also wanted to make the dock feel a bit more... "lively" but I had no time.
I still need to take care of a lot of fundamentals since I'm just a newbie (only has some notions on perspective and construction). I haven't even touched anything about composition, color or even anatomy but I'll definitely check Nathan Fowkes course if I have some free income in the future to afford it!
That viking ship by Justin Sweet is amazing and to be honest I see some of it on your own art, so you are not that far!!
Thank you again for your interesting and unexpectedly elaborated answer. I'll read it a few times again in case I missed something important since there are a lot of terms I am still not able to fully comprehend.
We'll keep grinding!