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12:56 AM, Wednesday January 10th 2024

I see improvements made to both your Organic Forms and Organic Intersections, great job! Your Organic Arrows still aren't overlapping correctly. I have tried to do a draw-over of your assignment here.

There were some points where it seemed that the same line was conveying 2 different sides of the arrow at the same time, creating confusion on the form of the arrow. I have attempted to draw new lines in red and scribble out lines in blue to show how these lines should have overlapped. Review the assignment and notice how the 2 sides relate to each other. Notice how it is essentially the same line but directly underneath it.

When I did this assignment, I tried to imagine the two lines as two rails of a very bendy railroad track. Each rail needed to line up with each other in space, or the train will get derailed (oh nose!)

I am going to ask for more revisions on the Organic Arrows exercise, as it will play a big role in Lesson 3.

Next Steps:

1 More Page of Organic Arrows

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
10:49 AM, Tuesday February 20th 2024
2:15 PM, Sunday March 3rd 2024

Sorry for the late reply.

These arrows are looking good now! Other than 1 spot on one of the arrows in the top left, all lines seem to be overlapping correctly.

I think you are ready to move on to Lesson 3 now.

Next Steps:

Lesson 3

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
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