Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

6:25 AM, Monday February 8th 2021

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Hey guys. First attempt doing Drawabox.

It was a messy process, but at last I could finish it. Critics are welcome and thank you in advance.

2 users agree
8:33 PM, Tuesday February 16th 2021
edited at 8:17 AM, Feb 17th 2021

Hey, Lunando here. First of all a little general tip: Try to always take the best possible photos of your work as that makes it way easier for people to critique it. Make sure you have a good lighting (Sunlight is usually best) and make sure you don't have shaky/blurry pictures. With that being said let's get right to it.


Alright, your Superimpose Lines are looking pretty good. You're still struggling quite a bit with the curved lines but that's something that will get better with practice! Although it isn't really an issue in most of your lines it is worth mentioning that you should try to stay away from fraying on both ends, meaning try to always start on a single point and keeping that one "clean". Moving on to your Ghosted Lines I really like the confidence in your lines here, you're not afraid of overshooting or inaccurate lines, which is great! Although overshooting is secondary, it certainly is something you would want to keep working on in the long run. I also think that you could've varied the length of your lines more as we want to be able to confidently do long lines as well as short lines. In your Ghosted Planes that confidence continues, it's great that you don't seem to be afraid of making mistakes and that you didn't try to correct any lines which ended up shorter or not at the right place, as that tends to make the mistakes only more obvious. 


I see that you definitely had your difficulties with the Ellipses which is totally normal in the beginning! One major thing that I'm noticing is that in your Tables of Ellipses you didn't draw through the majority of your Ellipses twice as explained in the instructions here: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/11/drawingthrough. Leaving a lot of them with pointy ends and uneven so that they aren't actual Ellipses anymore. In your Ellipses in Planes sometimes you did go over them twice, mostly in your second pages, but in the remaining you didn't. Same goes for the Funnels. This is something really important as our main goal is to create confident marks and smooth and even ellipses. Which is more important than being super precise about their placement. Always put confidence over accuracy.


In your Plotted Perspective I would recommend you to completely extend your Lines to their vanishing points and not only drawing the parts relevant to the boxes but that isn't such a big deal. But one thing I want to bring up is hatching: Hatching here is optional, if you decide to do it, don't just do it sloppily or rush it. Use your ruler if allowed or use the ghosting method to create tidy evenly spaced and parallel hatching. As mentioned in the instructions here: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/14/step8. Your rough perspective looks pretty good here and there are a few perspective issues but that's something you'll work on in the 250 Box Challenge. Moving on to your Rotated Boxes  I like the fact that you actually rotated your boxes and that you tried to keep the gaps in between your boxes mostly consistent. You missed drawing through the boy in the lower left corner and the back planes of your boxes are a bit off generally as there should be a similar half sphere in the back. Keeping in mind that this is definitely the hardest exercise from lesson 1 I still want you to stay mindful of your linework. Always ghost and plan your lines thoroughly and most important: don't go over lines multiple times in order to "fix" them as that will only create more clutter and will lead more attention to the mistake itself. Once a line has been put down we must work with it. But since you weren't supposed to be really ready for this exercise it's fine. Great that you pushed through it! In your Organic Perspective is again some of the just mentioned "line fixing habit" but apart from that and a and few perspective issues, once again on which you'll work in the 250 Box challenge, they're pretty good.

Next Steps:

So before you move on o the 250 Box Challenge which comes after Lesson 1 I would like you to submit the following:

  • 1 Page Tables of Ellipses

  • 1 Page Ellipses in Planes

Give these sections another read/watch and draw through ALL of your ellipses ;).

See ya!

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 8:17 AM, Feb 17th 2021
10:51 PM, Monday February 22nd 2021

Hey Lunando!.

Sorry for the poor quality of the photos, I will try to use an scanner as I did for this new submission of Tables and Planes of Ellipses.


Would you suggest me that I use Tables and Planes of Ellipses as a warm up? This question is because I think is the "most complete" exercise for all of my problems.

I don't have words for this complete critique that you have done. Thank you so much Lunando, I'm going to apply all of your suggestions for the next lessons and 250 Boxes Challenge.

9:09 AM, Tuesday February 23rd 2021

Hey, your welcome!

If you're using a scanner for your pages, make sure that the scanner is not boosting up your contrast, brightness and sharpening of your scans as some scanners do by default. Scanning works fine if you disable all the mentioned things above in your scanner settings. The easiest thing often is to just place it in the sun and then take a picture of it.

Now to my critique:

I really like that you started to draw through all of your ellipses which was my main critique! Also the fact that you didn't spend too much thought on accuracy but rather on confident lines is good. You seem to still struggle a bit with keeping the ellipses the same size and degree. Some of your ellipses are still a bit uneven and bumpy or with pointy ends, so watch out for that. Make sure you ghost as long as you need, to be really confident with your motion before you put the pen down on the paper. There's still a lot of room for improvement regarding especially the "smoothness" of your ellipses not leaving them wobbly and uneven! You can also slowly start working on their accuracy but still keeping in mind that we always put confidence over accuracy. First we want smooth and confident ellipses, if we have that we can start working on accuracy!

Make sure you continue to practice your ellipses!

Next Steps:

I think you made good progress and incorporated my critique well! So I think you should be ready for the 250 Box Challenge, congratulations!

And to your question: Yes, try to keep all the exercises from lesson 1 as warmups, especially the ones you struggle the most with!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
0 users agree
10:30 PM, Thursday February 18th 2021

On the funnels excercise, make sure the sides of the funnels are of equal distance. Some of the funnels are not fully equal, leading to the elipses not being divided fairly in half.

Also, some of the boxes on the rotated boxes excercise are a little wonky, specifically around the back of the boxes. In future I would be careful to make the lines parallel to the horizon line.

Finally I would add that there is not enough distortion of the boxes on the very outer edges. I would try to make them taper more.

11:12 PM, Monday February 22nd 2021

Hey Candlelight!

I didn't notice the distance of the funnels, I will review that homework again.

Boxes was a hard lesson, I didn't know how I finished it haha. I messed up a lot with all of them.

Thank you for all of your suggestions.

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Wescott Grid Ruler

Wescott Grid Ruler

Every now and then I'll get someone asking me about which ruler I use in my videos. It's this Wescott grid ruler that I picked up ages ago. While having a transparent grid is useful for figuring out spacing and perpendicularity, it ultimately not something that you can't achieve with any old ruler (or a piece of paper you've folded into a hard edge). Might require a little more attention, a little more focus, but you don't need a fancy tool for this.

But hey, if you want one, who am I to stop you?

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