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10:32 PM, Wednesday January 25th 2023

The goal of this course is to improve your understanding of 3D space so that you can imagine how objects (be they living or not) are placed in this space. Up to this point and going forward this will help with your understanding of perspective and you'll find that the upcoming lesson material on plants and everyday objects/animals/vehicles will help with fleshing out environments.

This course is a lot more focused on the technical side of how to draw these objects and not as much on the stylistic, design, or composition side of drawing. All of that being said, like the name "fundamentals" suggests, these skills are fundamental to everything. In the future you may decide to pursue how to flesh out a style of your own and to better your understanding of design and composition, but if you tried to tackle those subjects without the ability to sell the illusion of those objects existing in a 3D space then the first thing people will notice is how flat everything feels.

There are times where people intentionally make things look 2D (cartoons for example) but the reason they can do so consistently and successfully is that they made the choice to do so after understanding how the space they're utilizing works. (Abstract art is kind of an exception but even then you can usually tell between someone who knows what they're doing and someone who is just... doing something)

Long story short, yes I believe that continuing to develop the fundamentals here will help you in the future just as I've seen it help others before you.

I would also recommend going through the explanations/videos on the first page of Lesson 0 as it goes over some of these topics as well.

Hope that clarifies things.

6:49 PM, Tuesday July 4th 2023

Hi. So i finally decided to tackle lesson 3 exercises. I already did all of them, except the 8 pages of plant drawings. I have a question about this exercise. Are they supposed to be random plants drawings, or should the plants be based on the demos (Daisy demo, mushroom,habiscus, cactus, etc) that were drawn by Uncomfortable?

7:10 PM, Tuesday July 4th 2023

For future reference, a TA from one lesson may not be equipped to answer questions specific to another lesson, and in general it's best to post your questions in the website's Question/Discussion section, as this allows other students who may know the answer to respond.

As to your question, you can choose to include your own drawings done alongside my demonstrations, but these must constitute less than half of the total 8 pages, as noted here in the first paragraph of the homework section.

The recommendation below is an advertisement. Most of the links here are part of Amazon's affiliate program (unless otherwise stated), which helps support this website. It's also more than that - it's a hand-picked recommendation of something I've used myself. If you're interested, here is a full list.
Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

Pentel Pocket Brush Pen

This is a remarkable little pen. Technically speaking, any brush pen of reasonable quality will do, but I'm especially fond of this one. It's incredibly difficult to draw with (especially at first) due to how much your stroke varies based on how much pressure you apply, and how you use it - but at the same time despite this frustration, it's also incredibly fun.

Moreover, due to the challenge of its use, it teaches you a lot about the nuances of one's stroke. These are the kinds of skills that one can carry over to standard felt tip pens, as well as to digital media. Really great for doodling and just enjoying yourself.

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