
I will try to summarize the important aspects in this review:

Organic shapes with contours:

The shapes themselves look good, each end has a consistent size and they are not deformed.

The contour lines are equally well applied.


Most of the insects have a solid and good construction.

They look correctly supported on their surface which is very good.

About errors I couldn't mention much.

Still there are a couple of things that can improve the quality of your work:

The use of line weight would help to give depth to your drawing, as well as highlighting the important parts. I see little or nothing has been applied to these. If you don't know how to apply it, you can refer to these images: Technique - Applied to highlight a section

The use of properly cast shadows in your drawings can also give a good visual impact. You can see the application of these in several of the lesson demos.

Finally I will talk about the legs; although they are well drawn, a little more description on these can be helpful.

First, by marking the intersection of each of their sections ("sausages"). You can notice it in this image

Second, adding a little more detail in their silhouettes. Like those little spikes on the reference of what looks like a cockroach.

  • I have marked the lesson as complete. You already understood the basics so you can move on.