Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

12:08 AM, Monday June 21st 2021

Redoing lesson 1 Drawbox for reviewing on homepage - Imgur

Imgur: https://imgur.com/vt6Dyxx

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I have redone the lessons a second time to have all the stuff properly in folders on my computer as well as in phisical folders for order purpose and just in case. If the picture quality is not good, i can always take the picture again on daylight.

2 users agree
12:17 AM, Monday June 21st 2021

so the imgur link seems to just give the funnel exercise, reply to me a new imgur link and add the images of all the exercises that you did from lesson 1.

12:23 AM, Monday June 21st 2021


thanks so much, you are a life saver, here is the link

12:49 AM, Monday June 21st 2021

ill now do my best to give you a helpful and on-point critique

for the superimposed lines you've done well, since the line looks smooth and confident and there's no fraying in both ends, this just means that you've taken the time to place your points.

in the ghosted lines you have a lot of smooth and confident lines, there are also times where i see that you have some wobbly lines that give a subtle s or c curve look, this happen sometimes since you're brain conciously keeps thinking on how you mark that straight line, a simple fix for this is of course the ghosting method

in the ghosted planes, you've done pretty good on this. i also noticed that there are 2 planes that shows you repeated a line, this is something you should avoid as it is a bad habit and makes the line much thicker and the mistake, much more visible


you've done well for the table of ellipses as you've maintained drawing through it 2-3 times as well as maintaining smooth and confident ellipses, there are also times where some of your ellipses are a bit wobbly.

ghosted planes w/ ellipses - nothing to say as you did good on this, good job!

funnels - you've done well for making the ellipses align from the centerline as the minor axis gives this symmetrical look for it good job! some of the ellipses that you did mostly the ones that are reaching the end are a bit wobbly


plotted perspective- nothing to say, good job!

rough perspective - you've also done good at this but you should've drawn the correction line towards the horizon line and not to the vp so that you can tell how off you were: https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/roughperspective do read the instructions carefully next time!

rotated boxes you've also done good at this, i will point out that you have 2 extreme corners missing from the left side of your boxes

organic perspective- most of the boxes that you did applied a lot of foreshortening, this is something you should most definetely learn from the 250 box challenge

do warmups mostly the superimposed lines and ghosted planes with ellipse exercise as it can help you in the 250 box challenge and prepare you for lesson 2, good luck!

Next Steps:

tackle the 250 box challenge

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
6:02 AM, Monday June 21st 2021

thanks so much, this is very kind of you to give me feedback. I will try my best to improve on the things you pointed out :)

Now lets tackle some boxes :)

I hope i could be able to give feedback to others at some point too :)

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