Hi, I'll be giving you my feedback today

-superimposed lines

the only mistake I can see is your lines are arcing abit I recommend just getting used to drawing with a tempo from your shoulder.

-ghosted lines

I see that your lines are very confident and accurate that's very nice .

-ghosted planes

again very nice line confidence and accuracy.

-table of ellipses

your ellipses are pretty nice and snug but some of them are going out of bounds.

-ellipses in planes

again they are very nice and are drawn through correctly but some of them are.


great they are snug and are correctly cut in half.

-plotted prespective

boxes are drawn through properly .

-rough prespective

great width lines are parallel to the horizon and the height lines are perpendicular to the horizon , and you used the line correction method.

-rotated boxes

pretty great you kept corners tight and rotated the boxes properly .

-organic perspective

also pretty good but may benefit from line weight where lines intersect.