250 Box Challenge
12:55 PM, Tuesday November 30th 2021
Hi Uncomfortable,
Initially I think that I was going too fast through your lessons so I am going to slow down my pace a bit. I had started the 250 box challenge prior to getting your feedback about lesson 1 but I will wait for your feedback for this prior to starting lesson 2, as you suggest.
I did use pencil to write down the day # in the very corner but this was the only pencil I used. I did sometimes get confused with the line directions, especially at the beginning of the exercise. The incorrect lines should have little x's on them. I also noticed that sometimes when I ghosted the lines, the pen would touch the paper and I would get some marks from that. So sometimes it looks like I may have gone over part of the line but it was due to the accidental drawing when I was ghosting.
Thank you,