250 Box's VPs
6:38 AM, Saturday March 27th 2021
Please, do any of you good people have any wisdom on how to actually choose the implied vanishing points? I've just been putting them slightly off the page and following Comfy's advice about doing a majority boxes with shallow, human-scale foreshortening. I'm trying to understand the forms better, as I notice my boxes haven't really improved at all in the last few dozen, and I realize that the position of those VPs actually determines a lot about the actual form. Am I right that by picking just one vanishing point (if the Y already establishes the length of three lines going toward each VP, and if the box actually were constructed of 90° angles) that the other two VPs would thus be determined too (notwithstanding the other two VPs one chooses may actually not even be close)? And by choosing just one VP in this scenario, doesn't that also establish a ratio of size to distance to the observer as well? This kind of thinking is probably well beyond my current capabilities, but this suddenly just got far more esoteric to me and I can't think about it as jejunely anymore.