2 users agree
12:18 AM, Tuesday May 26th 2020
edited at 3:20 PM, Jun 2nd 2020

Congrats on finishing the box challenge! You've improved a lot, both on your convergences and line quality.

Your boxes end up pretty good, so I don't have much to comment on, but I'll try to point out some things so you can keep improving:

-I think some of your lines are a bit wobbly. Remember to always prioritize confidence over accuracy.

-You haven't practiced many extreme foreshortening boxes, be sure you get some of them on your next warmups.

-I recommend looking into this diagram for new ideas to give new rotations to boxes, so you can keep practicing different rotations.

-I also recommend looking into this demo I made, which shows another order on drawing boxes. Instead of completing first the outline of the box, you draw the inner corner before, as it's shown, in the fourth step. This helped me on getting the convergences better, hopefully it helps too.

-Check this too. Thinking about the relationships between lines will lead to better boxes. Give it a read, it might be difficult to understand, but it's super helpful.

Lastly, as your boxes are already pretty good, I recommend looking into the advanced exercises already, good job!

Next Steps:

Congratulations on finishing lesson the box challenge! Your next step is lesson 2

As I marked this as complete, you are now qualified to critique lesson 1 and box challenge submissions.

-Doing critiques is a way of learning and solidifying concepts. I can atest to that after having done hundreds of critiques. There are a lot of concepts that I did not understand, and thanks to critiquing I started understanding them. Which made me learn a lot more through the course.

-Another thing is that as the number of current submissions is super high, if you critique some critiques, those would be less critiques I'd have to critique before reaching your next submissions, so you'd get your critiques faster.

It's totally optional of course, I won't force anyone to give critiques. But me and the other people who are critiquing would be super grateful if you gave it a shot.

Good luck on lesson 2, and keep up the good work!

NOTE: here's a quick guide on critiquing lesson 1 submissions.

There are a few people that feel hesitant to critique because they feel they aren't ready to it so hopefully it'll help you in case you are one of those people.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 3:20 PM, Jun 2nd 2020
2:31 PM, Tuesday May 26th 2020

Hey Elodin,

Thank you for your feedback and the extra materials, I will look into those.

Also I am not doing enough warm up before diving into the exercises, do you have a motivational guide or routine when you do warm ups?

Thanks again and have a great day!

4:41 PM, Tuesday May 26th 2020

It's explained on lesson 0, so go back there if you're curious, but basically you should be drawing 10-15 minutes before each drawabox session, and in those 10-15 minutes you should practice 2-3 exercises between all the exercises you've gotten critique until to now.

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