Lines: They look good, though the first ghosted plane exercises has those weird scribbled over things, and one that wasn't complete on the bottom left. The second page is better, despite the small blotch at the bottom. The majority of your lines are straight and clean, and that's good.

Ellipses: The lines of the second and third pass stray somewhat from the first, i believe you end doing this to correct the previous' errors (I still do the same). While this isn't doesn't look too bad on the table of ellipses, it really shows on the planes with wide angles, where your ellipses get a bit off mark. On the funnels you did a good job, the majority is properly halved by the middle line and they don't stray from the arc borders.

Perspective: While your lines remain straight for the most part in the rough perspective, you got off with a good portion of the angles. When it's only a single viewpoint, two faces will always be rectangular, all its internal angles will be 90º. I cannot tell if you put in dots before completing the lines, but if you didn't, do feel free to use them, like in the ghosted lines exercise.

On the rotated boxes, you didn't complete the diagonals. Given the angle, the "front" and "back" faces would be hidden, but you still should've drawn them. The angles of the back faces of the boxes along the vertical axis are badly aligned. Again, I cannot tell if you did these lines like in the ghosted lines, but you certainly should make use of your best, most precise arm movement for these lines.

The scratching done on the bottom box, please avoid it. If you make mistakes, don't try to correct them, just go along with them and try to avoid them in the future.

On the organic perspective, you probably noticed yourself that some of the boxes are badly aligned or with a face looking off. That happens. You did make them follow the line and give the impression of depth, so that's good.