Hello, congratulation on finishing lesson 1. I'll be only pointing out the thing that needs to be improved and Here are my observations:

  1. Superimposed Lines

The only issue I saw here is that a lot of your line has stray on both end, so make sure to taking the time to position your pen correctly at the starting point of your guideline.

  1. Ghosted Lines

Try to focus more on confident flow over accuracy because your line almost always hits both ends, but many of them feel wobbly.

  1. Ghosted Planes

I'd recommend varying the quadrilaterals more. In your submission, a lot of your quads are rectangular-ish. Make some weird trapezoids or kite shapes when you come back to ghosted planes in the future, it'll test you in more odd scenarios. You should submit the homework for ghosted planes and ellipses in plane separately, so it's much easier for me to check your homework

  1. Ellipses

For Ellipses section my only concern is in the funnel exercise, some of your ellipses in this excercise doesn't align to the minor axis. You want to make sure that the minor axis cuts each ellipse into two equal, symmetrical halves, down their narrower dimension. Next time make sure to allign your ellipses to the minor axis.

  1. Rough Perspective

For the Rough Perspectives, make sure to ghost your lines before executing it because I see some of your line feel wobbly. I'm not sure if you were trying to make the lines thicker or fix them, if it's the former then practice superimposed lines with ghosting more, if it's the latter then don't do that. Keep the line even if it's bad no matter how bad you wanna fix it.