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12:43 AM, Thursday January 12th 2023
Hi Inspireanart, I will be helping you out with some critique today.
Most of your lines have very little wobble, and are drawn smoothly and confidently. Great job, and keep it up.
Your ellipses are good too. In the Ghosted plains 2 + ellipses in planes 2 there are a few ellipses that are positioned incorrectly in the plane. Here is what I mean: Make sure to have the ellipse touch the place where the horizontal and vertical dividing line meet the edges.
Your perspective exercises look good too, especially the rotated boxes exercise. You get a pretty good since of depth with your organic perspective exercise, too.
Overall, very nice work here. It will benefit you to do the 250 box challenge, so I encourage you to tackle that even though it will be a lot of work. Good luck!
Next Steps:
Take on the 250!
8:48 PM, Sunday January 29th 2023
Thank you so much for your feedback! The time you took for going through all of them and the correction on the ellipses exercise are appreciated. I understand the problem there now. And yes I am almost done with the 250 boxes challenge. Hope this one gets marked as completed soon. Thank you once again!
Proko's Drawing Basics
Drawabox isn't the be-all, end-all of drawing fundamental education. Our approach prioritizes certain concepts over others, and while we believe it do so for good reasons, ultimately it doesn't appeal to everyone. If Drawabox simply doesn't work for you, give Proko's Drawing Basics course a try - at the very least, you'll probably find it to be a hell of a lot more fun.