Splendid work Bears64, congratulations on finishing the 250 box challenge! With this, you can safely progress on towards lesson 2. There's a lot of good progress here.I really don't have much to say apart from a few nitpicks

You've hit the most important target of this exercise of getting the lines to converge correctly. the last 25 or so of your boxes converge very nicely. There is clear, steady progress throughout the exercise. There are a few errors here and there at the end, but those will be fine tuned with practice. You've done both dramatic and shallow foreshortening a fair amount You are pretty good at the two as well.

Your lines are pretty much straight, no wobble whatsoever.

The line weight is applied nicely wherever you have done it. There is a bit of an overshoot when applying lineweight, but that's pretty minor.

Your hatching however, is somewhat inconsistent in my opinion. There are boxes where it's drawn wobbly and boxes where its done immaculately. Try not to lose patience while hatching. I know it's way easier said than done, but make an effort to lose focus while hatching or while putting down any mark on your paper. It's a valuable skill to learn from this course.

But yeah that's about it.