250 Box Challenge

6:19 AM, Wednesday April 27th 2022

Draw-A-Box 250 Box challenge - Album on Imgur

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/HQEr67V.jpg

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I don't have anything to comment beside how painful this challenge took

2 users agree
1:05 PM, Thursday April 28th 2022
edited at 1:06 PM, Apr 28th 2022

Hey Aru! Hope you're doing well.

I like that you've tried different orientations of boxes, though we were supposed to draw these boxes in just 3 point perspective so that you can develop understand the convergence(which is less so in 1/2 point perspective bc of less vanishing points).

The edges of these boxes are smooth & confidentely drawn from shoulder.

The images are not so clear to take a good look at lineweight but I can see thme in some boxes & they're smooth as well & not over done.

Most of your hatching lines are good, though some are stopping at arbritrary points inside the face(like in page 129), make sure to do them as you would do ghosted lines, so you can have even more milege for it(everone needs that :D).

There are also some cases(like in page 137 & 159) where the edges are converging in pair & not together at a single vanishing point. This can happen if you loose a vanishing point while plotting other edges, you should be ghosting toward the vanishing point multiple times to visualize it's location & then ghost from other vertices to ghost for more accurate convergence.

You've extended the edges in right direction for more part but there are few boxes where you did them wrong(especially in first page) for boxes with 3 vanishing points. Your extensions should always follow the direction of edges from inital Y(sadly you didn't followed the Y instruction carefully for all of your boxes), so they go away from viewer.

Overall I can see that you uderstood the convergence of these boxes in different orientations.

Though it was instructed to use Y to form your boxes with all of the angles greater than 90(so they can be 3 point perspective boxes) & clearly you didn't follow this instructions in many boxes(like in page 183, 231, etc). If you want to do boxes with less vanishing points for variations, you could also do them in your warm ups as they're in exercises from lesson 1.

For future lessons & challenges(especially for the cyllinder) make sure to follow the instructions & of course you're free to experiment outside the exercises.

EDIT: Sorry I mean feel free to start lesson 2(not 3, can't edit that part unfortunately)

Next Steps:

Feel free to start lesson 3

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
edited at 1:06 PM, Apr 28th 2022
4:01 PM, Monday May 2nd 2022

Should I just go to the next lesson or waiting for this critique to get approved?

4:04 AM, Tuesday May 3rd 2022

You don't need to wait, feel free to start next lesson if the critique marks the lesson as complete.

Though getting 2 agrees on the critique will get you box challenge badge here & in discord, it's not something required.

If you want to get the badge you can either just wait or ask other members in critique channel of the discord server if they can agree to this critique.

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