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6:17 PM, Saturday October 24th 2020

Hi Terry,

I've checked your submission,

We have a lot to cover, so I'm gonna try to be short and sweet.

First, your organic arrows, it shows that you are experimenting with their size to show depth, which is good, but another thing that you can add is to reduce the spaces between the arrow as it goes back into space. Also, don't get discourage by doing organic lines, in my opinion they are the most difficult ones, so remember to take you time ghosting them and doing as confident as possible, accuracy comes later with time and practice.

Your organic forms are having an issue with their line confidence, but we have just talked about it. Regarding your ellipses, take you time ghosting them, confidence in your line should come from you repeating the motion until you feel ready, the same goes to your contour lines.

One las thing about you contour lines, remember to vary the angles of them in a form, this really creates an illusion of depth.

Now, your textures exercises really show that you put the time observing, though I do see some issues on them that I think you can improve on: First, you are explicitly putting down everything you see from every texture, don't get me wrong, this is not a bad start (specially this exercises which is pretty hard) , but I think you can do better. Take another look to the explicit vs implicit video, this video really explains well what I'm talking about.

Another thing I see in your dissections is that you are not wrapping your textures around the forms, now this is very tricky and takes time, but my advice to you would be to start believing the lie that Comfy talks about through this lesson. You have to start forcing yourself to believe that what you are drawing is 3d, a good exercise for this is the organic forms one and the organic intersections. All this takes time, so don't stress out, keep this pace and you will get it little by little.

In your forms intersections I kinda can tell that you are doing good, but because you didn't add line weight it's pretty confusing, remember that line weight is not an aesthetic choice of this course, it's an element we use to communicate, in this case what is in fron of what. Most things that we are learning here on DaB (contour lines, line wieght, etc) are tools to communicate how our forms sit in 3d space.

You organic intersections look rough at first, but as I observed closely, it seems that you are starting to think those forms as 3d, which is great! Now, besides all we talked about believing in our drawings, my main issue would be line qualitie. Really take your time ghosting them and apply line weight, this two are very important, if you can do a conident line, you can do everything confident.

Overall, I can clearly see in this lesson that you have put the time and effort, and I disagree with you, I think you are beginning to understand all this concepts, so keep this attitude and give you all, you will improve.

I'm gonna mark this lesson as completed! Keep it up.

Next Steps:

Move on to lesson 3.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
9:49 PM, Saturday October 24th 2020

Thanks so much for the thoughtful critique Weijak! The info you passed really gives me some specifics to work on. I know I don't quite get everything yet, but the light is slowly beginning to dawn and when someone like you takes the time to identify details the way you did...well that is just very helpful. I think the confident line work is something I especially need to work on because lack of confidence really does show up and can diminish an otherwise okay form. I will work on this. I still have to struggle to get my hand to do what my mind wants it to do. I think intentional practice will help this.

Thanks again. Your critique matters and makes a difference.

6:52 PM, Sunday October 25th 2020

My pleasure! I'm glad you found it useful, keep it up!

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