Lesson 1: Lines, Ellipses and Boxes

1:05 PM, Wednesday May 8th 2024

Lesson One - Album on Imgur

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Thank you for critiquing my submission

2 users agree
2:01 PM, Wednesday May 8th 2024

Hi, I'm Laura, I'll do your critique.


Superimposed lines are good, all fray only on one side, try looking only at the endpoint while doing drawing them to reduce mid-course corrections.

Ghosted lines are a bit wobbly, put it reduces a lot by the second page of ghosted planes, and turns into mostly arcing at that point, good job.

To help with the arcing, consciously use your should more to do the strokes, and try to arc the line in the opposite direction if that helps.


Table ellipses are good, a bit lumpy at first but get better in the secong page, are drawn through 3 times usually.

Again, using your shoulder more will help, minimizing movement from the wrist and elbow, also try to closely follow the first rotation you made to tighten the bundles of wire.

Ghosted planes are a bit deformed, fit their confines well, but look a bit wobbly at times, which could indicate either going too slow or not using the shoulder as much, so same tips as on the previous one, and try going a bit faster with the ellipses.

The ellipses in the funnels feel even more wobbly, but otherwise were correctly aligned and placed on the minor axis.


Plotted perspective was done as instructed, only some slanting in the bach edges(give yourself more time to align your ruler, but yeah it gets pretty visually noisy so it's understandable.)

Rough perspective is all well, first page has some wobbly lines, which reduces in the second, rememeber to ghost your lines and use your shoulder.

Rotated boxes are really good, consistent gaps, good rotation, and all drawn through, good job.

Organic perspective shows a cohesive scene with good depth and mostly converging boxes, only the lines wobble a bit sometimes.


You understood all the concepts taught, applied them well, and progressed through the pages, I think you're good to go to the 250 box challenge, remember the tips mentioned and apply them in your warmups.

Next Steps:

Add all lesson 1 exercises to your warmups and proceed onto the 250 Box Challenge.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
2:46 PM, Wednesday May 8th 2024

Thank you so much for submitting a critique on my assignments, from what Ive read it seem I have to be more confident on executing my ghosted lines as well as elipse, i will try my best.

8:42 PM, Wednesday May 8th 2024

Whoops, stepped on your toes accidentally there.

2 users agree
2:10 PM, Wednesday May 8th 2024

Hello! Good job finishing the lesson. Let's get it critiqued!

Starting with the lines

Superimposed Lines are off to a good start. No fraying at the start point, which is good, but there is large scale wobbling, which can be helped by being more confident executing the stroke while focusing on the end point.

Ghosted Lines&Planes: More wobble in Ghosted Lines, which may stem from hesitation and desire for accuracy. I'm seeing it subside in Ghosted Planes, which makes me think you took your time with the exercise and reminded yourself to draw your lines more confidently from the shoulder. That's great! I'll take this opportunity to remind you to keep striving for that confident, smooth execution. Accuracy, we're told, will only come with mileage, and cannot be forced.

Moving on to ellipses

Tables of Ellipses came out well. You drew through the ellipses and made sure to try and fit them within the borders and against each other. Your Ellipses in Planes are done well too, it looks to me that you tried your best to keep them smooth and even while making them touch the 4 sides of the plane. The few that are deformed are probably because you were trying to fit them into the planes too much. That can be helped by reminding yourself that a smooth, even shape confidently executed from the shoulder is more important here.

Your Funnels are looking fine, ellipses were drawn through and placed snug against each other and the funnel sides. I'm noticing that some aren't aligned with the minor axis. You want to make sure that the minor axis cuts each ellipse into two equal, symmetrical halves, down their narrower dimension, as mentioned here in the course.

And finally, boxes

Plotted perspective is done correctly. Some of the back edges are slanted, which can be mitigated by taking your time to align the ruler. Very tidy hatching!

Your Rough Perspective is solid. You did well in keeping the faces of the boxes rectangular and extending the depth lines to the horizon line. I see your lines wobble at the start, which might've been because you were more cautious now that you're constructing boxes, but you seem to have regained the confidence in your linework as the exercise progressed. Just a reminder, always use the ghosting method for your freehanded lines and prioritize confidence in your execution!

In Rotated Boxes, you did well by doing the core setup correctly, drawing through the boxes, applying rotation and trying to keep your gaps tight and consistent. All required boxes are present as well. A strong attempt at a difficult exercise.

Organic Perspective: Good rotations and scaling with depth, no leaning into dramatic foreshortening or diverging edges. I'm noticing some returning wobble in the linework here, remember to always draw your lines confidently from the shoulder and give yourself time to ghost thoroughly, no matter the exercise.

In conclusion: A solid submission and a lesson well learned. The 250 boxes challenge awaits.

Next Steps:

Add Lesson 1 exercises to your warm-ups pool and move on to the 250 boxes challenge.

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
3:06 PM, Wednesday May 8th 2024

thank you for the critique!!! i will try my best to improves on my wobbly lines and create more consistent strokes, i will begin 250 boxes challenge as soon as its all approved, i look forward to it.

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