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2:06 PM, Thursday January 26th 2023

Framed Ink focus is on composition.

I don't think you need How To Draw if you still didn't learn what is on Ernest Norling book.

There is a article here on Drawabox about How to Draw book and one of the messages is that H2D book is not mandatory, you need to choose your goal before.

8:38 AM, Friday January 27th 2023

Thx I didn't know that framed ink is about composition.

For the article about H2D. I will read it and keep in mind that I should read the book from norling and to be honest I'm quite hyped to read that book. Thank you for the recommendations!

5:39 PM, Friday January 27th 2023

You can see it without buying, going to a book store or going somewhere on internet.

I totally agree with the article when it says "How to Draw" title is a siren song.

I believe if the title had the word "perspective" not even 50% of people who think they need it would be interested.

6:57 AM, Saturday January 28th 2023

People really don't like perspective and I kind of understand it. Well perspective can be the most fun of all the fundamentals......well as soon as your brain understands it.

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Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

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