Nice work!

You can tell by the last pages that you started gaining in confidence, and your lines have improved a lot by the end.

Now, for a little more detail:

  • Super-Imposed lines: There is some arcing and wobbly in your longer lines. Start applying ghosting, and draw them confidently and one swoop. While ghosting was not initially part of the lesson, I heavily suggest using it from here on, as it will also help you apply line-weight in future exercises. As for arcing, you display a very distinct direction, and as such you can mentally prepare your hand to draw in the opposite arc. After a while, they will balance out, and you'll get a straighter line.

  • Ghosting lines: I'd keep doing this exercise at least until Lesson 2 is complete. While it is suggested you phase it out in favor of the planes exercise, you need a little more mileage in this. Having it as a singular focus will help.

  • Planes: Significant arcing. See super-imposed Lines. The circles look ok for this step, keep them as warmup.

  • Ellipses and Circles: Your ellipses are generally smoothly curved and ok. But your circles need a lot of work, I'd suggest a table of circles alone in your warmups until you get them right.

  • Funnels: Generally good, most of them are well aligned in their minor axis, although a few(like first page, lower right corner) have been skewed a little. There is some degree change, but I suggest for the future warmups to be bolder with the degrees, and push them to be wider.

  • 2P Perspetive: Took your time, and it came out great.

  • 1P Perspective: Mostly ok, but you missed the chance to experiment with the edges of your frame. You should put more boxes there, and even experiment with some of them being cropped, so you can get the feeling of extreme side-views. Keep this in mind for your warmups.

  • Rotated Boxes: Decent attempt, be sure to return to it every now and then to test your improvement, and to understand rotation more.

  • Organic Perspective: Again a decent attempt, and your lines seem much better here, suggesting that practice has had a success. Nothing more to say here, since you are about to head to the 250 boxes challenge.