Hello Alex, welcome aboard! I'll be your TA today so let's get to it.

Starting with your superimposed lines, they are looking a bit wobbly at this point indicating that you are still trying to guide your pen instead of using your shoulder to make a swift mark. This improves exponentially once introduced to the ghosting exercise so good job.

Your ellipses are looking very nice. Smooth, continuous, good flow, and proper drawing through. Your ellipses in planes hit the edges where they should so that you ensure a good snug fit within the bounds you have set out. These ellipses are probably the only ones where you lose some of that tightness, but that is understandable since you have such strict bounds you're trying to conform to. Your elliipses in tables are very nicely done. You keep a good uniformity within each row, and keep things snug next to each other and leave no room for ambiguity. Your funnels exercise shows a good control aligning your minor axes to a different axis. Good job overall.

With your rough perspective you show a good attention and care to each and every line. Your verticals are perpendicular to the horizon and your horizontal lines parallel to it resulting in properly oriented boxes for 1pp. Your converging lines are on the right track and as you continue to practice drawing lines towards far off points, like in the 250 box challenge, will improve your accuracy.

Now let's take a look at your rotated boxes. Overall this is a good attempt. Our only goal here for students is to push through to completion to your best ability so that you can be introduced to new types of spatial problems and ways to solve them. In terms of the exercise itself there are a few things to point out for improvement.

Your adjacent lines are a bit far from each other and not parallel which are the two key points for leveraging them as perspective guides. In terms of rotation, you are not rotating the boxes so much as skewing them and translating them over, so give this gif another watch to better internalize how rotation is driven by the motion of the vanishing points along the horizon line. Overall though this was a good job; you kept things neat in the face of adversity and you drew nice and large so that you gave your brain as much room as possible to work through these puzzles.

Finally let's look at your organic perspective. Your boxes overall are looking pretty solid! Your perspective is on the right track with only a few incidents of divergence but you are gaining a good handle on being mindful of your parallel lines converging to far off points. Your lines get a little hectic here, so make sure you are always ghosting and planning your lines and only committing when you are ready to live with the results. Your compositions are good; there is a lot of motion in them. You are doing a good job manipulating scale to create a distinct fore, mid, and background as well as overlapping your forms to cause the viewer's mind to perceive them as occupying a single space. All of these principles combine to sell the illusion of three dimensional space on a 2d sheet of paper, which is the overall goal here.