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5:23 PM, Monday July 3rd 2023
edited at 5:32 PM, Jul 3rd 2023

While these are an improvement you're still noticeably redrawing as well as adding additional lines and line weight to marks you shouldn't be.

As explained in the box challenge instructions here if you add line weight to your form intersections it should only be to overlapping lines to help provide clarity to the image. You're adding it seemingly randomly while also redrawing lines which makes your work messier and harder to follow than it needs to be.

In the organic intersections exercise you're not always drawing through your small ellipses on the end of your forms, and you're redrawing your contours as times as well as not drawing them as confidently as you could be. I'm also uncertain why you've gone over some of them with a brush pen, none of these should have line weight applied nor would it be applied with a brush pen.

I'll unfortunately be asking for another page of each exercise, I really can't move you on until you're following the principles of markmaking correctly as the later course material will be much more difficult if it's difficult to follow what your lines are representing.

To reiterate the principles of markmaking are that you should first take the time to ghost and plan your line, and then draw it in a single smooth confident motion. Don't redraw over mistakes, work with them and plan accordingly to prevent them the best you can. If you apply line weight do so consistently with clear rules (in the form intersections exercise only applying it to the overlapping lines).

I'm aware you can do this as you've done it before in the box challenge. If you aren't certain of the instructions then please read through them again and go back to prior lesson material if you need further clarification on these ideas. This is ultimately an issue caused by choice not by your ability so I don't want to discourage you into thinking that you're incapable of doing this. The fact that it's a choice is also why we need to be as critical of it as we are.

If you have any questions before getting started feel free to ask them, otherwise I look forward to seeing your work once it's completed.

Next Steps:

1 page of form intersections

1 page of organic intersections

When finished, reply to this critique with your revisions.
edited at 5:32 PM, Jul 3rd 2023
8:43 PM, Monday July 3rd 2023

Thanks for the critique I tried to be more mindful about redrawing over my mistakes this time. There were a few times I did it on the form intersection though. I also made sure to only apply line weight to where the forms intersected especially on the organic intersections.

5:48 PM, Tuesday July 4th 2023

Aside from the redrawing these are looking better.

Remember that every mark you make is ultimately a choice, if you're redrawing and feeling like you did so without stopping yourself before noticing it's likely a sign that you're rushing. You should plan your line, draw it and then begin planning the next line, if you're not intentionally thinking about each mark then you're not taking the time necessary to think about what you're doing and what you've done.

I will be marking your submission complete and moving you ahead in hopes that you will address this yourself. If it continues to be an issue however know that you'll likely get more and potentially harsher revisions in the future.

Best of luck in lesson 3.

Next Steps:

Move on to lesson 3.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
12:56 AM, Wednesday July 5th 2023

Thanks you for the help.I'll be sure to be more intentional with my work, I did notice I was having trouble with that lately.

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