2 users agree
9:33 PM, Sunday October 11th 2020

Hey, what up. It is Critique time :)

I will be going page by page if i have something to mention. Now that that is out of the way, let's-a go.


Starting with super imposed lines see some fraying and wobble/arching.

To stop the fraying at both sides you can put a dot and start from there. For wobble you might be going slower and more careful. Go confident with decent speed and improvement will be made. You know you are going in the right direction when it starts to look like the one at the bottom

For arching lines you might be using your elbow together with your should or you naturally go in an arching line with your shoulder. Go fully with your shoulder and if you still go arching in one way, you go into the opposite direction consciously. This should negate the effect.

Going to ghosted lines and ghosted planes. Everything i said so far (except the fraying) applies here too. Only here you keep ghosting until you are confident to make your mark.


With tables of ellipses i notice the wider once are a bit less confident. Always keep ghosting till you are sure that one will be right. If you add these to your warm-up routine (and every other exercise of this lesson) you will get better at them over time and the other building blocks you need too.

For ellipses in planes it is important that the ellipse touches each side. Ghost first and if you're not sure, keep ghosting until you know you are going to touch all sides of the plane and make it look confident. I don't know if it was mentioned somewhere that you can use the ghosted planes you did earlier for ellipses in planes but eh, probably doesn't hurt anyone i guess.

And for funnels it is important that the minor axis stays in the middle so that the ellipses get cut in half. It can be tricky to ge the the curves aligned properly with the minor axis and what i do for that is [this]https://imgur.com/a/oXYLc2I). I add a few extra line so i can be sure it will be more aligned. It is not pretty as it's done with a mouse but it works. To make the ellipses align to the minor axis i follow the ellipse in the middle you start with as not you have a clear major axis to follow. Repeat the process with the other ellipses and make the wider as you go away from the middle and you're going the right way.


Plotted perspective went well but i did see a one that didnt go too well in the back. Keep a close eye where the vps are. Mayve start from the vp and going to the line you made will work with that. Also keep hatching lines on one side like you did on the first one.

I'd say rough perspective you did went pretty well and you i see a nice jump to going to the vp on the second page! Hell yeah! But don't do repeating lines. You also forgot to give one extending lines to the vp. Other than those 2 nitpicks you did a pretty good job on these.

Aah, rotated boxes Absolute nightmare. What i usually see is that i don't notice the boxes rotating around it's outer edges because they use the same vp as the box before them. [It took me a long time to notice it myself and this gif moves really fast but if you look closely the narrower side of the box has a vp closer to it while the more visible sides vp is more far away]https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/16/rotation). some vps look like theyre also not going where they should but for now that is not a problem.

And finally, organic perspective where you did 3/2 pages. Probably because the first one did not go well but if you mess up one page, that is okay. just do the next one and add what you have learned. Live with mistakes, they'll make you stronger and you will eventually get some armor that deflects failure!

Anyways, i see some inverted boxes meaning that the vp is going toward you and not away. For overlap you can go over a line again to give it line weight making it appear to be in front of something else. I do see here that lines have gotten straighter so on that, cheers!

So, that was lesson 1, you had some wobble but if you go confidently with ghosting and look carefully with the vps, you should be a-ok.

Next Steps:

I hope you're ready, because 250 box challenge is ahead. It won't be easy but without a doubt i can say that you can conquer the first beast!

Good luck!

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete, and 2 others agree. The student has earned their completion badge for this lesson and should feel confident in moving onto the next lesson.
10:26 PM, Sunday October 11th 2020

Alright. Thank you so much!

7:46 PM, Tuesday October 13th 2020

Anytime :)

0 users agree
4:54 AM, Sunday November 8th 2020

Hello Hamoginabog! let's jump right into your exercise!

Super Imposed Lines

good job with this exercise! i see that some of your lines are wobbly but still this is just an exercise so keep doing these as an warmup

Ghosted Planes

Good job with this exercise! some of your planes have a wobbly lines, and again just keep doing these as an warmup

Ghosted Lines

Good job with this exercise! i can't say much about this exercise cause you've done mostly a good job with these ghosted lines

Table of Ellipses

Good job with this exercise! can't say much with these exercise other than a good job

Ellipses in Planes

Good job! you managed to fit the ellipses inside your planes!

Ellipses in Funnels

Great job! your funnels exercise is really well done!

Plotted Perspective

Another great job! you seem to understand or grasp the concept of 2 point perspective in this exercise

Rough Perspective

Great job with this exercise! this exercise is really hard cause you eyeball your perspective, but from what i see is that you understand the concept of 1 point perspective

Rotated Boxes

Good job with these exercise! your boxes are all rotating! while some of them are rotating in the wrong perspective, you still done a good job!

Organic Perspective

Good job with this exercise! the boxes are very few lol, and some of the boxes are in the same size, but mostly you're boxes is seems to be rotating in 3D space

Next Steps:

250 boxes exercise

This community member feels the lesson should be marked as complete. In order for the student to receive their completion badge, this critique will need 2 agreements from other members of the community.
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How to Draw by Scott Robertson

How to Draw by Scott Robertson

When it comes to technical drawing, there's no one better than Scott Robertson. I regularly use this book as a reference when eyeballing my perspective just won't cut it anymore. Need to figure out exactly how to rotate an object in 3D space? How to project a shape in perspective? Look no further.

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