Hi there! This is PiaPal and I'll be reviewing your work! Congrats on finishing the first lesson.


The farther you went throughout the exercises, the straighter and smoother your lines became, congrats on achieving that!

Superimposed lines: I can see no fraying beginnings, which means that you've been carefully placing your pen in the beginning and then executing your action. There are also straight lines to be seen (with no wobbliness!), even though it was the first exercise. Congrats on that! However, I can see fraying ends, and a few lines denote a curviness that can be expected to happen. Which makes me believe that you have been executing your line-making a bit too fast. I would take more time in-between your line-making, (hence, more patience), in order to execute smooth, and confident lines. I also believe that you haven't been engaging your shoulder that much. All this will improve with practice, so I'd include this exercise in your warm ups. Plus, I'd include the ghosting method before executing each actions in order to improve your confidence in your line making and thus getting better results.

Ghosting lines: In my opinion, I would have done more of those to improve your current abilities. Your lines in there still show a curviness, which in the future should diminish. I guess that you've rushed through this exercise. And remember that patience is one of Drawabox keys and will also be helpful for you to get better results. Take your time between each line, and also ghost them as much as you need to avoid the curviness. Train your arm muscles, warm them up, in order to gain enough confidence to execute your action.

Planes: Lines look indeed much straighter! Congrats! Your accuracy is still a bit off but it will improve with practice AND applying the ghosting method as much as you need. And given the fact that a few lines look overshooted, I also guess that you've rushed here too.


Good job in trying to fit your Ellipses where you're drawing them. It needs patience to be done, and lots and lots of ghosting and engaging your shoulder. Which seems done, so great!! I can see that you've gone over the ellipses more than two times, which isn't necessary if you've ghosted the ellipses enough to gain the confidence you require to execute your ellipses. I may have contradicted myself with what I previously said, but I don't think so: I guess that you're applying the ghosting method correctly but maybe you have to execute that action and be confident of what you're making, loosing the fear of executing a "bad" ellipse. Mistakes will happen because they're natural, so don't worry about that. Important is that you hand in homework that proves the best of your current abilities, and if you need to do revisions, that won't be bad because you'll learn from your mistakes and keep improving. So apply the ghosting, be patient, loose the fear, and execute the action confidently. Trust in yourself and you won't be needing to go over your ellipses more than 2 times, which is what Drawabox aims for.

The volume of your ellipses looks mostly conserved, so congrats on that, too.

Ellipses in planes: I really like their roundiness. That's a great achievement, considering that students sometimes tend to struggle with keeping their form. Yet, a few ellipses overshoot, but only in the second time you go over them. That makes me think if you've gone fast over them, too.

Funnels: I liked that you tried to experiment and test if you could achieve this change in degree in your ellipses. In my opinion, it even looks pretty good. Which is remarkable, but for now, I'd recommend you to stick to the first level of the assignment: achieving smooth, confident ellipses within the funnel. In my opinion, that's something you should aim for, now: drawing smooth ellipses and keeping them well bunched up together, without overshooting. Then, move onto the next step. Drawabox is a slow process, I wouldn't recommend you to rush, but to improve your current abilities until you're able to tackle that one exercise, which is difficult.


Regarding the first exercise, I can see that you've gone over your boxes a few times, "correcting" mistakes. Plus, they look rushed, even though you were using a ruler.

Same goes to the second exercise, adding the fact that your lines turned out sloppier, curvy, and doesn't seem like you've been ghosting your actions nor engaging your shoulder enough times.

Rotated Boxes is a really difficult exercise. I can see the same rush, plus, I can also denote that you haven't fully grasped the perspective concept. I'd recommend you to re-read the material about it, and take your time to comprehend it.

Same goes to the organic perspective exercise.

I will request revisions, in which I want you to aim for the following:

  1. Patience: you've rushed a lot, therefore achieving sloppy results. So Ghost your lines, gain confidence, be patient, and then, execute your actions. Only then, your line-making will improve.

  2. Aim for straight and smooth lines. Don't focus on accuracy at the moment.

  3. A few tips for tackling perspective:

    There is a set of parallel lines that will eventually meet at a Vanishing point. These must converge in there, not diverge from one another (https://imgur.com/KSHwTwo) Therefore, I always recommend that while you're ghosting your lines, you extend them a bit to where your desired VP is. Train your arm muscles and then execute the action in that direction but don't draw all the way through. That's what's been helping me to achieve these exercises.

    https://drawabox.com/lesson/1/6/video Re-Reading this material will help you greatly.

  4. I wouldn't try the highest levels of exercises if you're still struggling with the first levels. Go one by one, so that you also don't get frustrated in the end. Art is hard, and you'll get eventually better with practice. Doing these exercises as warm-ups will help you greatly.

Lastly, I still want to congratulate you for finishing this lesson and compromising with this course! It's tough, yet packed with knowledge that will indeed improve your art. Keep drawing and congratulations again!