Hey; welcome to drawabox!

Starting with your superimposed lines, these are mostly good. They’re smooth, properly lined up at the start, and of a consistent trajectory. There’s the occasional insecurity sometimes, especially in the arcing ones, so I’ll quickly remind you that our priority here lies in the lines’ confidence, not accuracy, but it’s not common enough for it to be an issue, so don’t stress. The ghosted lines/planes look quite smooth, too, though I’ll request 2 things. First, be sure to plot some start/end points for the non-diagonal center lines of the planes. Second, be a little less conscious of your line, as you’re drawing it. It seems like you’re slowing down near its end, in an effort to stop at the right place, but this is causing your line to wobble, which is not ideal. It’s fine for it to be inaccurate. It’s not fine for it to be lacking in confidence.

The table of ellipses exercise looks good. Your ellipses are smooth, rounded, and properly drawn through. The only advice I have for you, is to lift your pen off the page at the end of said rotations, as opposed to flicking it off. It’ll get rid of those tails at the end. In the ellipses in planes exercise, your ellipses maintain their smoothness/roundness, despite the more complicated frame. I notice that these aren’t quite as even. That’s normal, so don’t let it bother you. Finally, the funnels exercise is mostly good. I’d recommend being a little more patient with it, next time; spending a little longer on each ellipse, would not only get rid of the occasional stiffness, but also the spacing errors that pop up here. That said, the ellipses are properly aligned to the minor axis, so as far as the funnels themselves are concerned, they’re correct.

The plotted perspective exercise looks good. It occurs later on, too, but I’ll mention it here, once: resist the urge to correct a mistake (with anything other than a red pen.) All it does is draw attention to the fact that it is a mistake. It’s, usually, far wiser to leave your blunders be.

The rough perspective exercise shows good improvement, though this is in part because the further along you went, the closer the boxes got to the VP; there’s a lot of empty space in your frames. That said, it seems like you understand the gist of this exercise, and are planning your points appropriately. To aid in that, I’ll draw your attention to something. Because of the rules of 1-point perspective, the near/far planes of your boxes are of the exact same shape (this is to say, the first plane that you draw, and the last one, the one opposite it.) If, after you’ve plotted all 4 points, you see that they add together to form anything different, then that’s your hint that they’re incorrect. Try to see this in the center-left box, on page 2, frame 3, with it’s rectangular front face, and square back face. Notice its correction lines.

The rotated boxes exercise is very clean. It’s clear that you’ve taken your time on each line, here. Also, it’s big (huge positive!), the boxes are snug, properly drawn through, and comfortably rotating. There’s not a lot to critique here, save for the occasional diverging line, but that’s not something you’re expected to have an understanding of just yet, so it’s not something to concern yourself with. For now, simply follow the lead of neighboring edges. Later, when you know better, consider trusting your own knowledge, instead.

Finally, the organic perspective exercise looks great. You’ve got a bunch of boxes, and a bunch of overlaps, here. The steady increase in size, and consistent, shallow foreshortening, do a lot to carry the illusion. The boxes themselves are mostly correct, too. Some lineweight would’ve really pushed it to the next level, but that’s not necessary. And besides, you’ll have plenty a chance to practice that in the upcoming box challenge.