Hi there, I'll be handling your lesson 1 critique. Apologies for the delay, we've been receiving a lot of submissions recently.

Let's get started with your Lines section.

Your super imposed lines are off to a strong start, you do get more fraying in the longer and curved lines but that's normal and as you practice more your accuracy will improve over time.

In your ghosted lines and planes exercises you do get a bit of arcing in your lines which is a sign that you may not be completely comfortable using your shoulder yet and may be resorting to using your wrist or elbow a bit. This does seem to improve as you go through the lesson which is a good sign that you're adjusting as you go, just keep it in mind while doing warm ups.

On to your Ellipses.

I'm glad you're experimenting with sizes and shapes in this section, as well as drawing large which helps you see your mistakes more clearly. The majority of your ellipses are looking confident and smooth, just have to watch out for a slowing down as it results in a few cases of squared sides and pinched edges. This is a good start though, and your ellipses will tighten up with more mileage which you'll get plenty of doing these exercises as warm ups.

You did a good job of keeping your ellipses snuggly within the funnels you've created, the only thing to watch out for is you want to try to keep your ellipses divided equally by the funnel's central minor axis. Not being able to do so is a very common mistake as seen here, it's worth pointing out as lots of people tend to forget that it's their goal while attempting this exercise as a warm up.

Lastly let's go over your Boxes.

Great work on the plotted perspective exercise.

In the rough perspective exercise you managed to have most of your convergences end up in the area of the vanishing point which shows you have some understanding of the perspective concept being shown here. You do need to work on keeping your horizontal lines parallel, and your vertical lines perpendicular to the horizon line however. Along with making your boxes look less solid overall, it does give the impression that you may be guessing as seen and discussed here.

These last two exercises are meant to be a challenge at this point, so it's an accomplishment to complete them.

In the rotated box exercise you managed to keep your spacing even which resulted in your keeping your overall form together and even managed to achieve some rotation. Great attempt.

In the organic perspective exercise you show that you understand that the further away a box is from the viewer the smaller it gets, and you created some interesting compositions.

With all of that said you showed that you grasped what the concepts being taught in this lesson. You do need to develop your ability to work in 3D space which will help you create objects that are more solid and believable, and you'll get plenty of experience with that in the upcoming challenge.

I'll be marking your lesson as complete and moving you on to the 250 box challenge which should help further your understanding of working in 3D space and with multiple sets of lines and their respective vanishing points, all while giving you plenty of mileage.

Good job so far, and good luck with the challenge.