Self-reflection is good, and valuable to you, but not so much to the assistant. Generally, the approach is to ignore anything the student says, unless it’s a question, so that it doesn’t color the critique in any way. I’m happy to read it, though. Let me address your concerns.

re: warmups

There’s no hard rule on this, but I’d say you don’t need to warm up a second time during the day unless the break has been 1+ hours long.

re: lifting your pen

It’ll come with practice, and it’s certainly preferred to the alternative, but it’s not a huge issue either way.

Now, let’s see about your submission.

Your superimposed lines look solid – they’re smooth, all lined up on the left, and of a consistent trajectory. The ghosted lines show some hesitation near the end. Be sure that you’re not so overly conscious on the end point (i.e., stopping at the correct place) that your line loses its smoothness/straightness, as per you decreasing your speed. The planes are more of the same, though improve a little by the end. Just remember that there’s no difference between these lines and the ones in the previous exercise. Be sure to do your due-diligence on each one.

The table of ellipses exercise looks good, if a little inconsistent. For one, your pen seems to be dancing on and off the page. Be confident in your motions, so that you’re not surprised by it touching the page. Also, see if you can lift it off the page at the end of the rotations, rather than flicking it off – it’ll get rid of those tails at the ends of your ellipses. Finally, stick to 2 rotations, if you can. Save for the occasional stiffness (remember that smoothness/roundness is more important than accuracy!), the ellipses in planes exercise looks solid. The funnels could’ve used some more ghosting, however; make sure you’re rotating the page as necessary, too. Your ellipses need to be aligned to the minor axis – that is to say, it should cut them into two equal, symmetrical halves.

The plotted perspective exercise has some minor issues, but you seem to have gotten what we wanted out of it, so it’s all good.

Linework in the rough perspective exercise is a little lacking; I’ll re-remind you of that one section in the ghosted planes page, that I linked earlier. The convergences are mostly alright – the lines are clearly making an effort to converge – though not always successful. It might help to think of both requirements (lines should extend to the VP, points should connect in such a way that they form lines that are parallel/perpendicular to the horizon) as one and the same. That is to say, don’t do one, then the other, as the latter will undo the former. Instead, think of it as a snap-to-grid feature in a PC, where there’s only certain places in which you’re allowed to move something – it’ll narrow things down for you by a lot.

The rotated boxes exercise is a little small. It’s recommended to draw big, if you can – it’s a great way to give your brain some room to think. That said, what you’ve got here is a good start. I’ll call out the lineweight (way too overt), and the back faces of your boxes (they’re not nearly as snug as their front counterparts), but these things are expected, and are bound to improve as your knowledge of boxes does – as you know, that’s coming up.

Finally, save for some less-than-confident linework, and the occasional inconsistency in size, the organic perspective exercise looks good; you’ve been careful about the foreshortening of your boxes, and that has been essential in communicating their flow. Nicely done.