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8:13 PM, Friday June 17th 2022

As a whole, you're moving much more in the right direction now. There are still issues, to be sure, but these are things you'll have to continue to address yourself in your own warmups, though of course I'll call them out below.

  • You still tend to have divergence to your lines. Now, I'm not sure if you're actively trying to make some of your lines run parallel on the page, but if you are, this would be a mistake. This only occurs when vanishing points are at infinity, which itself only occurs when that set of edges in 3D space runs perpendicular to the viewer's angle of sight, not slanting towards or away from them through the depth of the scene. Given that we're rotating our boxes randomly in this exercise, the likelihood of the boxes lining up like that is going to be pretty slim, so we may as well ensure that our sets of lines always converge. Long story short - you need to be making a conscious effort to think about all 4 lines in a given set together, so that you can have them converge. If we look at boxes like 3, all of your lines are diverging, which suggests that you may have just been drawing those lines in whatever direction, rather than considering all of the others together when plotting down the next line. You do improve on this front, but in cases like 28 we still see a fair bit of divergence (with its blue lines).

  • You've generally been extending your lines correctly, except for 14 where the blue and green lines are coming towards the viewer and 13 where you only extended one set of lines for some reason.

Ultimately these are all things you can continue to address, so I'll go ahead and mark this lesson as complete. I have also looked ahead to the Lesson 2 community submission you made - I understand that you have an agreement with Uncomfortable where he'll shift the dates around to allow you to submit your Lesson 2 work without waiting the customary 14 days (since you moved ahead due to a misunderstanding), but having glanced at your work, I think you may want to redo the form intersections and organic intersections pages, simply because they are definitely a lot sloppier, with rougher linework than you should be doing now. You'd get a redo on them as they are now for that reason, so you may as well take care of it ahead of time.

Next Steps:

Move on to lesson 2.

This critique marks this lesson as complete.
9:06 PM, Saturday June 18th 2022

Thank you. After this reply I went back and did some more practice and I recognized that while I do consider all 4 lines I do tend to focus on paralleling the corner boxe lines. I do believe I have broadened my understanding of where the box sits in 3-D space a bit more.

Will definitely work on the intersections portion. Thank you for the critique.

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