Your superimposed lines look pretty good, there are only some slight wobbles on some of them. There is a slight arc in your ghosted lines but as you practice drawing from your shoulder that should improve over time. For your table of ellipses, on your first page the ellipses are drawn too far apart but it looks like the spacing got better on the second page so good job there. Some of your ellipses in planes look a bit rushed so I recommend slowing down a bit and utilize the ghosting technique to help you make a more confident stroke. Some of your ellipses in funnels look fairly well aligned to the minor axis but some of them could be more snug. With your box exercises, I noticed some line corrections and you want to avoid doing this in the future. Take the time to practice ghosting your line while aiming for one confident stroke and don't worry about the result being perfect. Accuracy will improve over time with practice. Overall, well done and good luck with your boxes!