YAY! congratulations on completing this challenge Pioanstefan. you did really good at the end.

Hello! this is Chiran, Today I'll be taking a llok at your submission and offer my feedback in solid and helpful manner as possible.

before we jump into it, lets take a look at the abrreviations of (1,2 1nd 3 numbers)

1- The praises ( the job you did well in the challenge)

2- where you should keep an eye on

3- The work you can do to improve them in your warmups.

so yeah! lets start with the LINES;

  • neatly planned and executed ( meaning the ghosting job is nicely done!) so good job Mate.

  • yep! they are confidently drawn in most of the boxes so thats good job too!


  • one of the main thing I noticed is that you did seem to repeat or correct the inner lines of the boxes as we can see box no (215,223,227,220 etc). this repeating or correcting thingy should be avoided in the warm ups so keep an eye on that as it may create messier boxes.
  • so we advise you to try your best to not repeat or correct them and move on thinking as it is correct and take note of it to avoid in the future construction.

  • we should continue treat every lines with respect How do we treat with respect?- first we should plan where our lines will start and end by plotting the points and ghost them several times ( hovering in motion) and draw them with confidence and from the shoulder.

  • Last thing which is worth Reminding here is that Speed of execution: when to increase the speed of drawing the lines and when to slow down?

If the lines came out dark, wobbly, contains subtle S curve and undershooted then increasing the speed of drawing your lines can reduce these issues. however if the lines are overshooting more and the flow of ink in your pen is inconsistent then its advisable to reduce the speed and try to lift the pen off the page when reaching the end dot.

feel free to experiment with different speed of drawing your lines from point A to point B during your warm up session and opt for the smooth and consistent ones. Increasing the speed of execution can really help in reducing wobbly lines and subtle S curves.. And it can also help in reducing the course correction of your lines too!.

Always make sure you are starting at the Starting dot exactly after the ghosting.

yes We should continue to use ghosting method, drawing from shoulder and make sure that We are always use our arm to get the best flow as possible.

moving on to THE BOXES:


  • Checking your mistakes: your mistakes are slowly reducing in the challenge because of the line extention method (that is checking your mistakes by extending the correction lines away from the viewer) , because of this You got some pretty decent amount of convergence on the later boxes so good job on that


  • Coverging and diverging problem is still present in the later stages of the challenge. its pretty common so no worries but keep an eye on them to and continue to practice in your warm ups.

  • experimenting with the boxes construction is lacking in your work. so try to change the length, width and depth and also experiment with the type of foreshortening too! it will definitely help


  • THE INNER CORNER PARADOX: In this challenge, we are estimating where our lines going to converge to a point. as we are humans, it is almost impossible to perfectly estimate where our lines will going to converge thereby resulting in an error. this error will continue to accumulate as we construct the box freely rotated in space. finally this accumulated error will be thrown to the back corner. So its pretty normal to have the inner back corner come out pretty off.

I want to take a look at this info here;https://i.imgur.com/8PqQLE0.png

In this image we can know that how each line will behave relating to the position from its neighbouring edges and the VP.So we can arrive at the conclusion that, If the distance between the internal edges and external edges gets reduce more and more they will eventually become parallel to one and another ( but keep in mind they will converge slightly at a negligable amount no matter what). Alternatively If the distance between the internal corner and the external grow more and more the internal line will also converge.

you can also try and start from the back corner if the box is narrower.https://imgur.com/a/DHlA3Jh.

if your aware of these notes, then you need to build mileage by including 1-2 boxes in your daily warm up routine. after that your boxes will get better and better.

  • try to experiment with your boxes and have fun with it. try to construct some bigger and extreme foreshortening boxes as well in your warm ups. experimentation, observation and results ( like in practicals :D) is always important for our growth.

Moving on to the Bonus works ( this includes line weight, hatching and line extension method)


  • good job on utilizing the hatching and line weight ( applied on the boxes silhouette) tool to create a solid box and continue to use them in your warm ups.

  • hatching lines are pre planned before execution so great job mate!


  • one thing worth noting is , the line weeight should only be applied on the boxes silhouette\body not all the lines. prioritize confidence and draw from your shoulder always. keep reminding that!

  • line extention method for checking your mistake is extending in the wrong direction for some of your boxes. however these are presented in minority ( like box 196,212) so keep an eye on that. how?

  1. here's how-
  • A way to make sure you do this correctly 100% of the times, is to always extend the lines away from the center dot of the Y, as shown here:



we all know, this challenge was very intimidating because of constructing 250 boxes arbitrarily rotated in 3d and yet you did a great job by keeping persistent till the end with lots of effort, focus, energy and time so hats off for that. Be proud of What you have Accomplished


Yes, We've come to the end of this feedback. overall, this was a solid submission Your submission reveals that you did take time to read through the lesson materials, followed the instructions and executed to your best of your ability. so that's good job!..thank you for submitting your assignment to the community.I'm confident that you will improve much better In the future by keeping the mistakes in mind in your Warm ups.

so yeah I'm allowing you to move on to Lesson 2 by marking your lesson as Complete.

Yippee ! we have completed this challenge. congratulations!. I hope this feedback helps . Have a wonderful artistic journey. keep goin. I'm awaiting to see your Progress.

Thank you Stefan!