10:29 AM, Wednesday September 6th 2023
Hi, I'm znorb and I'm doing your critique today:
-In your arrows exercises the lines are going from small to big, and lineweight is well applied, that's great.
Something I would improve is that a part of some of your arrows aren't overlapping, here's an example of what I'm saying https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/1e23d6b7.jpg , the lines should be overlapping even if the part is getting further to us and getting smaller from the distance
-In your organic forms exercises, in the page of contour ellipses the sausages doesn't have a ellipse degree change, even if the sausage is straight, the ellipse degree should change: https://imgur.com/rXLBxSg https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/061ed3b6.jpg
-You did a good job in the transition, it goes to black-white and I see you are using cast shadows instead of the outlines, and that's great. Something I would improve on the textures exercises is in dissections exercise, the texture isn't wrapping the form, and some of the textures aren't breaking the silhouette (https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/423fe2b2.jpg)
-You did great with adding the shallow foreshortening on the form intersections, I also see an improvement of the confidence lines from the other exercises from other lessons. In organic intersections something I could say is to try to stay away from the complex forms and try to keep the sausages simpler https://d15v304a6xpq4b.cloudfront.net/lesson_images/4213ce18.jpg and the lineweight on the lines should be done with confidence too
Over all those mistakes, I see that you improved over the lessons and if you keep practicing the exercises on warmups (also including the other exercises from previous lessons), the mistakes will become less noticeable and you will improve.
You can go to the next lesson, I would recommend to do the texture challenge too
Next Steps:
Lesson 3