Hello, my name is PizzaPlease and I am here to critique your Lesson 2 submission.

First, it appears you're using ballpoint to complete this lesson. I may be mistaken and please correct me if so. Ballpoint is allowed for Lesson 1 and the 250 Box Challenge, but it is much more beneficial to use fineliners and a brush pen in Lesson 2 (reference: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/step4).

Your Organic Arrows pages are mostly well-done. For the most part, they seem to move through 3D space by changing in width as they near the viewer and increasing incompression as they recede. Certain arrows, like the two on the right of pg. 2, seem confused and inconsistent with these rules. I would encourage you to use greater variance of compression in the future (reference: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/perspective). Also, line weight isn't applied to overlapping sections and the hatching is often on the section in front. The purpose of the hatching is to clarify which part of the arrow is closer and you don't need many lines to demonstrate this (reference: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/4/step4).

The forms in your first page of Organic Forms are drawn excellently, mostly uniform in shape and with same-sized ends. Some of the forms, like the two in the upper right of pg. 2, have inconsistent end sizes and appear to be attempting to effect dramatic depth in 3D space (reference: https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/5/simplesausage). Your minor axis is consistently well-placed and your ellipses generally do a good job respecting it. The contour ellipses on your sausage forms aren't applied correctly (reference: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/368871002584907776/867744968432549928/QTEqgJa_1.png?width=618&height=601). It is also good to put those on the sausage forms with contour curves, too. I would recommend hooking your curves a bit more and varying the differences in degree more.

On your texture analysis page, you demonstrate a wonderful awareness of form but unfortunately miss the crux of the exercise. The purpose is to focus on the cast shadows of the forms, not the forms themselves. The exercise tasks you to depict the shapes of the shadows in detail which can feel quite excruciating, but it is well worth the effort. I would recommend looking at the first page of Texture and Detail again (https://drawabox.com/lesson/2/2). The leftmost box isn't completely filled, especially on the last two textures. Your gradient transitions are very dramatic. It is pretty good on the leather, but the crumpled paper and cactus textures are very sudden and show little variation (reference: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/368871002584907776/867744968432549928/QTEqgJa_1.png?width=618&height=601).

Again, I'm very impressed with your understanding of form in your dissections, but your shadows are generally sparse and you rely on symbols or hatching with some frequency. They look beautiful and you did an excellent job breaking the silhouette, especially on the coral, tree branch, and tortoise shell, but the goal is really to engage with the shapes of cast shadows (reference: https://i.imgur.com/M9JJfr4.png). The ones which do this best are the crocodile, mushroom, and pebble textures. Again, these could use more variation.

You did well densely filling your form intersection pages. The shapes should be roughly equilateral to each other, not just other forms of the same type. Your convergences are mostly good, though I'd keep an eye out for the farthest left vertical edge on your boxes.

The organic intersections pages are excellent. The only issue is the contour ellipses on back-facing ends and not drawing through the forms on the first page. Your shadows look great and don't cling to the casting form.