I've noticed that although you have completed up to Lesson 4, you didn't have this lesson checked, so I will give you a critique for this lesson before moving onto that one. It is best to wait for a critique and 2 agrees so that you will get the completion badge for the lesson, as well as getting the most out of Drawabox.

Your Organic Arrows are looking very good! You seem to have a very good grasp of depth, perspective, and how edges fold over.

Your Organic Forms are looking pretty good as well, but I have a few corrections. First of all, some of your ellipses are a bit wild and aren't conforming to the shape of the sausage. The ellipses should fit snuggly within their sausage. Secondly, some of your ellipses are looking a bit wobbly. Try drawing your ellipses more smoothly.

Your Textures, Dissections, Form Intersections, and Organic Intersections all look fantastic, no corrections there!

It looks like you have a very good grip on all of the concepts here. Keep up the good work! If you need help getting critiques or agrees for your posts, try going on the critique channel on the Drawabox Discord server.