Drawing Prompt: Cryptid Employment

5:31 PM, Friday June 28th 2024

Direct Link: https://i.imgur.com/zBmHPN9.jpeg

This submission was done for the Cryptid Employment drawing prompt. Check out more submissions here!

I wasn't going to have time later today to do the prompt, so I did it during my lunch break using whatever supplies I had available. I am continuing Willy Wonka's Hot Dog Factory, this time showcasing the newest hire, the Mothman! I guess they really do just hire anyone nowadays...

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Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

Proko's Figure Drawing Fundamentals

Stan Prokopenko's had been teaching figure drawing as far back as I can remember, even when I was just a regular student myself. It's safe to say that when it comes to figure drawing, his tutelage is among the best.

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