Ok, so I see two big things:

The first is, superimposed lines, you should take care to actually reset the pen at the start of the line every time. Fraying at one end is fine, fraying at both means you were rushing getting to drawing the line itself. I think I'm seeing this more on the curved ones than the straight ones. Either way, the point is to plan out the line, prepare yourself by setting the pen down right, and then confidently execute it. Getting to any of these steps shouldn't be rushed.

For the ghosted lines, I'm also seeing some of these lines not quite start at the point. Even if you need to draw with some speed to get the line confident, you should not be rushing to get started with the line.

I'm also seeing you redraw a lot of lines, which you should be avoiding, as this really just calls attention to the mistake rather than actually fix it.

It's mentioned more in the description of the 250 box challenge I think, as one of the mistakes to avoid.

The rest of everything I think looks pretty fine! You should make sure you keep doing many of these exercises in your warmups, as really it's regularly working on these over a long period of time that's going to help you get those ellipses tighter and lines more confident!